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Prince Edward School, 1940/50/60s

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Yes I did, 1949-1956. I lived on Q.M. road

Hello manor girl, my paper round took in Queen Mary Rd, Is there any old names you remember, here are a few to be going on with. Violet Brown, Sid Brown. Graham Gascoinge [sPELLING?] David Wareing, Pat Turner,Mick Holgate, Ashley Wilks, Pat Crofts, Charley Spavin. Vincent Murphy.

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probably no use to you lot but i left in 1998 was a brilliant school did any of you lot go in the bomb shelter? i didnt


Yes the bomb shelter was still open when i was there.There was also an air raid siren on the roof of the infants school which they still used to test up to the fifty,s. We also had house departments that we belonged to I E.Angles, Saxons, Jute's and so on. Some of the teachers where nothing but bully,s i always think that the better dressed you where the better you got treated. One teacher who they say had been a prisoner of war used to beat me up at the slightest opportunity i despise him to this day, still they taught me to read and write so not all bad.

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Sorry cuttsie but I can't recall any of the people you mention. I was born next door to the Salvation Army Hall on QM road and didn't leave until 1964. I didn't go to P. Edwards seniors so I don't remember the bomb shelters as I think they were in that part of the school yard.

I think you are right about some of the teachers being bullies, they were far too hard on young kids and lets face it we were little angels on todays standards!

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I went to Prince Edwards , on the Manor from approx 1954 to about 1964. I lived on Queen Mary Road just below the school and wondered if there are any of my old neighbours or school pals who use this forum. I started secondary school around the time the Gleadless Valley kids joined us until their new school was ready. There were lots of them in our class for the first year. Would love to hear from anyone who was around at that time

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we must have been there at the same time.I remember Mr Graham getting engaged i cant remember here name either.it seems a long time ago.some of the pupils i remember tom bamford.john perkins'mick nutall.david hoole.


Hi manorlad5,this is my first go at this so please be patient,I lived at 2 travey road just below the school,you must know me as you mentioned my name along with Tom Bamford,Mick Nutall,and Johny Perkins.


I went to Prince Edward in the Infants and Juniors and all those lads were in my class. Some other names I remember: Ian Ashton, David Nichols, David Straw, John Kenyon, Mick Shaw, Robert Wells, Some of the girls: Vicky Dell, Marlene Bodell, Susan Haywood, Sandra Hewitt, Josephine Hobson, Wendy Grice, Valerie Hopkins, Jean Haigh.:)

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Hi there merrydown,you must have a very good memory just to add a few more names paul neath, paul stevens,mick barber,steven rudge,mick mathuews,steven bamforth i think he came from barnsley he always had a snotty nose,susan mason,odear i can vividly recall Mr Swift calling sue mason to the front of the class to answer some question or something as she was passing my desk at a gallop i put my foot out and yes she went flying, floods of tears and all that i got off with a shouting at, all in all good old days.

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Hi Dave, yes I remember those names too, plus lots more but not sure whether they were all in our class or just in our year. I remember Mr Swift doing a science experiment that went wrong and he ended up wet through. Of course, we all cracked out laughing so he went round the whole class, giving us the slipper on the hand. At the end of the day he told me and Marlene Bodell to stay behind and he gave us both a packet of sweets. We must have been teacher's pets:hihi: and I think I had a bit of a crush on him after that.


Do you still have your blonde hair?:D

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