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Prince Edward School, 1940/50/60s

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You knew me quite well in those halcyon school days - I'll let you think a while more however the harpoon story may jolt VRs mind. We drifted into different groups of mates at Hurlfield


The Frankie Vaughan thing was a sponsored walk now I think about it.


Do you remember the Fancy Dress party at school? Most had really basic home made gear, then Paul Kenny turns up in a really expensive silk Chinaman costume complete with pony tail and moustache? In these PC days, that kind of stereotyping would be frowned upon, back then it was seen as harmless fun.


Anyone have any more info on the air raid shelters there? My mum says she has used them in anger!

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Harpoon Gun??? Don't remember firing it into a bedroom door... into the garden from the front bedroom window, yes...


Yes, i remember the cows very well, we had to make two, one thin and one fat, the idea was to have the thin one show its ribs so we made a backbone and ribs from chickenwire and draped a blanket over it only when we looked at the two cows the thin one with the ribs was fatter than the thin one so we changed them around. Was in the year we were in Mr Shepards class.


I also remember the Paul Kenny chinaman suit, looked like something out of Charlie Chan. I also remember him playing the king in a play/musical thing about The Halleluyah Chorus (?? maybe not) where the king stands up and so all the audience has to stand up, only Paul sat down at just the wrong moment. Sure that was him.


Also remember having to draw around Wendy Housley on a big sheet of paper and then having to draw in all her girl bits....




Team E winning the 5 a side organised by Man Fillingham in the "new" gym.


Me busting my right collarbone on an ice slide.


The smell of the boys outside loo and peeing up the wall competitions.


The football matches in the yard complete with football chants direct from the terraces.... "and do they smell?.... like....."


Daz Winnall being hit on the head by a book by Mrs Scammons (he said "ooch", then Neil Palmer chipping in with "that's a double ooch" and getting the same... (the "ooch" from The Banana Splits).. see also under "Oh ho, Chongo" and "Scanta-banta-boo-boo"



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I remember your collarbone incident. I was sure that the three pronged dart had ended up in your bedroom door though. Glad you knew about the cows, for a moment I thought I had imagined it! Did I dream about turnips too? Was that to do with potato famine?


Does anyone remember the Irish night when we had to stay back and give out soda bread?


Or taking the register to the top of the tower to the school secretary?


I remember the staff occasionally went very morose and trooped everyone into the hall to watch news events. The moon landing in '69 Prince Charles' investiture at Caernavon castle in the same year and some kind of Winston Churchill show - but that can't have been the funeral as he died in '65


I remember being called to the stage in assembly as my mum had given me a shilling to start the Aberfan disaster whip round. Still blushing now


Did they show films in the hall? I seem to remember watching Bullit


I remember sliding around the showers on our bare a&*es and the school overreacting by sticking non-slip pads on the floor


Finally Rich - I remember your mum had something called a comptometer which to us was the height of technology. Still got it?


Shame I can't remember anything which may benefit me though!

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Three pronged dart... that was it, definitely although I still don't recall it going into my bedroom door!


Potato famine, yes, turnips, yes and Glenn Booth (??) play acting "have potatoes come up yet woman!"...


Irish night, yes, 2 of the lads made cool irish barrows out of stones and fake grassy powdery stuff. I think Sheppard taking us out of lessons and into the telly room to watch the Apollo 11 mission was one of the coolest things a school could have done at the time... and that telly was the BIGGEST in the world!


Showers... Wacky Races, brilliant stuff!!!!


Collarbones... **** did that hurt, bust my left one another twice later on, didn't hurt half as much.


Mum kept the compometer until she finally moved out of her house (where I was born) then she had me lob it out (she passed away in 2002).. she was the only person I have ever met who could add up in base 16 in her head (that was the base of the machine).. a sort of mechanical forerunner of a digital calculator, I suppose had binary system at its heart otherwise wouldn't have been in 16ths.


Bullitt... yes, I would have sworn that was at Ashleigh though.. maybe not.


Ernie, Gary Leach... unforgettable, (what was his mates name.. Ian Maw??).


I remember getting the crucial question wrong in the quiz competition... marsupial!!!! Grrrrr.


Was a pity I went to the other school, although it was definitely the best choice for my education.. I often wondered how things might have turned out if more from PE had gone to Ashleigh rather than Hurlfield.

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Here's some info Rich

it must have been Glenn Bell or Andy Booth


Very sorry to hear about your mum. That machine blew me away. In a later incarnation as an electronics engineer I too lived in a hex world. You can't detract from the skills used on those machines though.


Kevin Maw is the name you're hunting for. Still see him from time to time


Was out with Ernie and Andy on Xmas eve. Lost a packet at cards and snooker, but then I was never an athlete. Ernie now has 2 degrees so Hurlfield education can't have been too shabby


don't recall the quiz though.



Managed to place me yet??

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Glenn Bell (Glenn Booth I knew later at Ashleigh), yes, Kevin Maw (More?). Yes.


Billy Smith... dead giveaway.


Glad to hear that "Ernie" came though in the end. I always knew that there were some clever kids at PE, I always thought that their potential was never fulfilled at Hurlfield.

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Wow im truly amazed at the stuff you two can remember, its 40 years ago now isnt it!


Yes Irish night where the parents were invited with me panicking if id remembered to invite them. Hollowed out jacket potatoes filled with cheese to give them, and a film show showing how the Irish dug peat up...must have been a cracking night out for them.


Was on holiday for the moon landings but remember watching Charlie become the prince of Wales on the giant telly in the hall. What a treat to miss lessons to watch tv, by all accounts thats all they do at schools now.


Fancy dress, ah yes Mr Kenny looked great in his fu manchu outfit with his bootlace moustache that his mum made. He must have had a certain prowess in the changing rooms because there used to be an advert out at the time for a chocolate bar called 'big one' and we used to sing 'Kenny's sticks out a mile' to the song on the advert.....while walking to Woodthorpe baths!! Make contact Paul we need you on here.


Dont remember making an effort for the fancy dress but Neil Palmer went as a boxer with a silk dressing gown...will speak to him about that soon.


Yes, the showers and Wacky Races, what a laugh that was, you are right Bill a complete overreaction to put the slip mats down spoiled all the fun!!


We had some great games of togger in the playground, David Kiddy was always on the opposing side and he always cheated, right dirty bugger if i remember. When we played for the school team we always had a rivalry i used to wrestle with him with the ball to take the throw ins! There is still a photo somewhere in my family of the school team in 70-71 with me holding the ball on the front row, Richard and Paul Kenny are on it, others being David Kiddy, Sharpy Nigel Cutts, Ian Parkin, and a few that never seemed to play but were on the photo like Tony Lowe and Robert Horton.


Remember Rich doing his collar bone on the slide in the yard at winter time and also remember Kevin Maw was the best at sneaking up behind you and slapping your arse with the back of his hand that really hurt!


great memories keep em coming

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