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Buying cars-just tell me the price please

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we've just gone thru the whole process of buying a car, or rather i did the leg work and hubby did the end bit! Fell in love with 407, asked for the price on the passport scheme with 10 or 20% deposit over 2 or 3 yrs-after going back 3times as manager not in, cant do figures without him and been completely messed about, i eventually get some figures-way outta my price range so the next day we buy a cheaper different car by cash.

Mr peugeot calls the next day, have i thought about it, do i want a test drive etc... no thanks, too expensive, errr he says, how far out of ur price range was it-could we do a deal? WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING WITH U FOR THE LAST 3 VISITS???????

My rant is this-why cant they just put the price you will have to pay? No, crap, just straight forward, no bartering, hard figures? They dont need to pretend to "speak to their manager" its the price it says on the car, full stop?????????

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