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Sports Volunteers Needed...

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Have you ever thought about putting something back into the local community but are unsure how to go about it?


Or are you simply interested in getting involved in the development of a local sports club?


We are looking for volunteers to help run the sports clubs and other activities and help to shape the future of the centre.


There is a range of things for people to get involved in, from coaching, administration, management and development of the various sports clubs (including gymnastics, basketball, street dance, table tennis, badminton, trampolining and girls football) to supporting the health walks and self-help groups.


In return for your time, we can arrange for you to attend courses such as first aid, child protection and National Governing Body Coaching Courses FREE OF CHARGE!


To sign up or register an interest, or for more information about how you can get involved, please contact Geoff Maltby (Club Development Officer) on 0114 2335457 or email gmaltby.sportscollege@virgin.net

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