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Millhouses Boating Pond - do you remember it?

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I went past the park two sundays ago & it looked like there was some kind of market up at the top end.Also the park was very busy but that could have been because it was a beautiful day. It was nice to see the park being used.

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So do I now you've mentioned it. I must have a walk around the park next week instead of passing it whilst sitting on the bus.


I've often wondered what the city would have done if Alderman J.G.Graves had not bought the park land when a few years ago the Yorkshire Water were creating the huge sewage holding tank that is now under the Cricket Pitch.


I can remember the mini-golf too, but can't remember if was from my childhood or when the kids were young in the 60s.


But this park Albert was the gift of Earl Fitzwilliam in 1909, - at least he gave some of the land and the council bought the rest. Can't see the council buying land for amenity in this day and age ;)

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I can remember the mini-golf too, but can't remember if was from my childhood or when the kids were young in the 60s.



Yes I can recall playing when i was a youngster in the late 40s&50s.Can also remember catching Bullheads,as we called them,in the river.Bye wasn`t the water in the swimming baths cold,everything shrivelled when you dived in there.Happy days.

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Yes I can recall playing when i was a youngster in the late 40s&50s.Can also remember catching Bullheads,as we called them,in the river.Bye wasn`t the water in the swimming baths cold,everything shrivelled when you dived in there.Happy days.


I was always too nesh to venture in the pool at Millhouses - the water in Heeley Baths was nice and warm :D


Those bullheads were ugly looking little brutes but they must have been tough 'cos I used to catch them in the river down by Heeley Bridge. There were sticklebacks and minnows in the river alongside Millhouse park too, but I got told off by a park keeper when I turned up there once with a net and a jamjar !!

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I can remember the mini-golf too, but can't remember if was from my childhood or when the kids were young in the 60s.


But this park Albert was the gift of Earl Fitzwilliam in 1909, - at least he gave some of the land and the council bought the rest. Can't see the council buying land for amenity in this day and age ;)


I'm minded to think that Alderman J.G.Graves gave the park to the people of Sheffield.

But my main interest in having the Public Notice Boards that give these details to the general public replaced at the Parks entrance.

They will then know a bit more about the areas history.


I've just checked and I was wrong. You are correct Greybeard.

And please except mythanks for correcting me.

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I remember the rowing boats, the paddling pool, draughts and the Lido we spent loads of time there in the summer hols during the 70's it was like a day out at the sea side!


I still miss the Lido really loved it there its such a shame it closed.

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I remember my mum falling into the boating pond, must have been in the early Eighties, I guess. She was trying to lift my brother out of the boat and onto dry land - I didn't know about keeping paddling to keep the boat near the side and so it just kind of drifted away. I really must remind her of that when I see her tomorrow!

I was brought up in Millhouses, so an awful lot of my childhood memories involve the park. Many happy days spent there, that's for sure.

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