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Who Remembers The Wapentake?

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Wolf worked on the door of the Wap before doing a stint on the door of the Hornblower this must of been in the mid eighties.

He also had for a time a stained glass business with a shop at the end of South road Walkley.

There was a wolfie but I can't picture him but he was around a long time before wolf

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i said wolfie but meant wolf i was trying to be casual :P

wolf always hung around the doors or the booths, i can picture him in my head, not sure i can describe him tho lol


always wore a camo jacket?

wasnt particularly big so.............i really really doubt he hit big martin lol, i used to talk to wolf a lot

it was the time when "chris"? with the dog taz was on the doors

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I rarely saw him in Wap probably because he worked nights but Wolf (Wulf) is built like a brick and I would say he is far harder than Big Martin.


Wolfie however was a regular and is definately another person who you may be thinking of. I think, but I am not 100% sure if I am thinking of the correct person here, but he always wore a cap like this http://www.twenga.co.uk/offer/47066/6212635864846787619.html and he helped out in the burger van outside Rebels in late 80s. Since you've mentioned the camo jacket I am begining to think this is the right person.

Edited by John
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no wolfie didn't break martin's nose. He was married to joy allender. was also maim leader fer the crazy wolves, as to he other wolf don't think i know him.


If you have a look at the rock reunited pag 26 / 27 I 'm the one on the left in purple . I'm not blaming anyone regarding dismantling and piling up of scooters :D just heard the rumour n think i know / knew who it was .


jackie xxx

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I know of a wilf :huh: but still don't think i know a wolf or wulf. :confused: I bet you are :gag: n it may well be the same wolfie (laid back n easy to get on with known to play on the table football but not very often) you talking about but he not built like a brick s**t house n he a lot smaller than big martin there again most people are !!!!! :hihi.


:D n just a few more names to see if you regognise any of em Big Mick Ward, Jack Manuel Marilyn, Sylvia, Lorraine. Jackie, Kath wragg. Julie. Julia, Paul, Phil. Sha / roni , Shaz , maggie nickie John Marcia, liz lon. pete. Ian, Ian Bennet, Jean n kenny jones, Andy bownes, les wright john nicholson etc Oh and me of course Jackie Manuel nee Ball.


have a look at the description of me somewhere on this thread .n I'm sure you'll remember me. Im still alive n kicking (tho my nose is somewhat smaller than it used to be) usually to be found in The Sportsman or Nelson on a Saturday night :thumbsup:


Howz about that then just to confuse you even more john catchya later jackie :wave:

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Soz John


but I think you've got me mixed up with someone else :huh:: maybe another jackie.


I know a chris who used to work at the City hall ( at least I think that was his name) when bands were on. :confused:


Don't think I know the name weir :P but cud be wrong!!!!


Most certainly never hung around with him as such.


Might have said hello now n then n had the odd conversation but that was as far as it went. Never went out with him if thats what you mean n we probably had friends and interests in common to talk about later jackie:wave:

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I remember the Wapentake well. Started going there in 1978, played therre in a band called Renegade a few times. I also knew the doormen Mick and Trev, as well as a lot of the others mentioned. Haven't been to the Casbah, but I bet it's not the same.


I knew Mick and Trev too. Might know you too bassman. Did you do a gig at Mr Kites and The Limit?

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:hihi: again loopy lass.


Long time since you've been on the forum spreading news about the wop . :cool:


You sure you don't know me.:P I was a regular in The Wap from 1975 onwards. :headbang I also know a mick and trevor who used to work on the door at the Wop but they probably not the same one's I know / knew way back then. :gag:


There's still a good description of me (done by me) somewhere on this thread (roundabout page 13 I think ) but cud be wrong


The mick I thinking about had half a thumb missing wore (as a matter of fact still does) John Lennon type glasses used to live in Wath now lives in Sheffield has done fer a long long time. :)


There's some recent pics of me on facebook and The Rock reunited site if you want to find out who I am. ( jackie's page or pics, p27 ) if you interested :lol:


Soz there are no old one's of me on there yet as still waiting fer steve or wallbuilder to scan em fer me :help: as upto christmas I didn't have a decent scanner, Now got a decent one but an't worked out how to use it yet later jackie :wave: xxx

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