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Who Remembers The Wapentake?

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Arrgh! All our pics are now on the Rock Reunited website clicky

:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


nice one, now some people i KNEW :) and even hung around with, lol, 'bout time

bit short on names tho :P i normally knew faces not names


apart from the obvious (jamie, holmsey, mac, andy longley)

is shane the one with long straggley blonde hair and gingery beard?

seem to remember he always had slayer / venom t shirts on


and i or mi close mates arent on any, mustve been upto no good someplace else that night / nights :P

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nice one, now some people i KNEW :) and even hung around with, lol, 'bout time

bit short on names tho :P i normally knew faces not names



is shane the one with long straggley blonde hair and gingery beard?

seem to remember he always had slayer / venom t shirts on


Aye that would be Shane, no longer the owner of long blonde hair any more though :P

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I feel sure I must have known you then, it sounds like we were around the same people at the same time. In which case you probably also knew Roy and Andy, who have both contributed to the Rock re-united thingy.


Hi Till Man,


Sorry about the delay in replying, better late than never I hope. I think we were around the same people at the same time so we probably did know each other all those years ago. I have put together a MySpace site and included a dodgy photo of me back then both for comedy value and to give people a fighting chance of I.D.ing me. So click on the link below if you are interested, curious, bored, whatever. Hope the link works, never done this hyperlink thing before.


Everyone welcome, hope you like my pics.


Respect to all.

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  • 1 month later...

i had some brilliant times in the wap..

chris (tenmen) was always at the top of the stairs with his dog jasper (r.i.p chris).. i remember wil and neil furniss aswell... in the pics i only recognise andy quinn and dolby.. and is that big tim (birch) in pic 10 with les??

my hubby hung out with dolby... i was always found around the footie tables or standing on that bar so that i could get noticed and get served.. im a shortie so that came in very useful :hihi:

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i had some brilliant times in the wap..

chris (tenmen) was always at the top of the stairs with his dog jasper (r.i.p chris).. i remember wil and neil furniss aswell... in the pics i only recognise andy quinn and dolby.. and is that big tim (birch) in pic 10 with les??


my hubby hung out with dolby... i was always found around the footie tables or standing on that bar so that i could get noticed and get served.. im a shortie so that came in very useful :hihi:


We still see Dolby now and then, and yes that is Tim with Les and Mandy in Rebels.

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i had some brilliant times in the wap..

chris (tenmen) was always at the top of the stairs with his dog jasper (r.i.p chris).. i remember wil and neil furniss aswell... in the pics i only recognise andy quinn and dolby.. and is that big tim (birch) in pic 10 with les??

my hubby hung out with dolby... i was always found around the footie tables or standing on that bar so that i could get noticed and get served.. im a shortie so that came in very useful :hihi:


id prolly recognise you in the flesh then too, as i used to know chris and tim, the name neil furniss ings a bell too, im crap with names, i used to frequent the footie table area ocasionly with the thrashers (when not getting stoned with soldier and that round the pinballs, or getting stoned down the back lol)

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id prolly recognise you in the flesh then too, as i used to know chris and tim, the name neil furniss ings a bell too, im crap with names, i used to frequent the footie table area ocasionly with the thrashers (when not getting stoned with soldier and that round the pinballs, or getting stoned down the back lol)


i was a shortie with blonde waistlength hair if thats helps lol...

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