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Who Remembers The Wapentake?

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H,P Moonchild Saw your name n thought I recognised it. By heck that was a long time ago. Sorry can't place a face but are you the one with long dark hair and wearing a blue n white dress on one of Roys wap photo's. N did you buy chance always wear a long thigh length leather boots when in wop jackie

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Mo can't say I know you but if you're still into the rock scene and go in in Nelson Sat nights you may know me!!!! I'm anything but staid and respectable to say the least!!!!!!! Still wearing jeans n leathers when I get the Chance Still mad keen keen on Judas Priest n Meatloaf N I' ve been totally ****** on several occassions so I'm anything but staid jackie

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Wallbuilder and goldenfleece Ye I remember the museum, Thought it was a great place to be especially when used to start drinking at about 8.00 Starting off in Grapes,Saddle, beehive, West St Hotel, Stonehouse. Wot brill nights they were. N ye the pub did have a certain charm about it especially when too much too drink and that back room was ace jackie

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Hi jackie,i remember you all well my name is sylvia i went out with lon for a short while,but ended up with a guy called emu sure you will remember him .We got married and was together for 20yr but sadly we split up but did have a daughter together.I remember well the kgb waht a fine place i loved it there and always have good memories of it and bob the dj played some good music.I still go in the casbah about once a month not the same though as the wop was a classic place to be.We used to go in the grapes alot also in the small room that had a pool table in it.I can remember eric getting married but i heard he split up soon after?Rhino married a girl called tracey but split up a few years on and ive not heard anything about him for years also .

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H,P Moonchild Saw your name n thought I recognised it. By heck that was a long time ago. Sorry can't place a face but are you the one with long dark hair and wearing a blue n white dress on one of Roys wap photo's. N did you buy chance always wear a long thigh length leather boots when in wop jackie


No that's not me. I am afraid I am not on any of those photo's

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Hi rosie /slyvia

great to hear from you its been ages. Glad to hear you are still around and still into the Heavy Metal scene even tho it's The Casbah. not wop. me jack still married we have two daughters one will be 21 at end of month the other's 17 end of march. We can still be found in Nelson or Moorfoot Tavern most Sat nights if you 'd like to reminise face to face.

I've recently had a nose job so no longer have a big hooked nose. It's still a bit larger than average so I'm still easily recognizable from the front at least but profile's now def much better than in those early years in grapes etc. Cu soon maybe catchya l8a jackie

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