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Who Remembers The Wapentake?

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Hi Jackie, My appearance did alter a bit through the years but nope I never wore a tassled leather or a short afghan and never ever had wrist bands on. I did have a full length afghan for a time but as far as jackets go I had at different times a belstaff, a velvet jacket,various denim jackets and for a time a para troopers top in army camoflage. I've still got a denim jacket with a sleeveless over jacket and boy do I wish I could still get them on, unfortunately middle aged spread have taken effect.

I used to go in the Grapes in the mid 80's and the Dog and Partridge and on occasion the Foresters and the Frog and Parrot. My most popular haunts though if not the Wap would of been the Yorkshiremans Arms, sometimes the Sportsman, The Underground, ooh and the Fat Cat because I liked the cider there.

Obviously on a public forum I'm not inclined to give out too much information as you never know who might prove to be annoying if I made it easy to recognise me.

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Hi Jackie, My appearance did alter a bit through the years but nope I never wore a tassled leather or a short afghan and never ever had wrist bands on. I did have a full length afghan for a time but as far as jackets go I had at different times a belstaff, a velvet jacket,various denim jackets and for a time a para troopers top in army camoflage. I've still got a denim jacket with a sleeveless over jacket and boy do I wish I could still get them on, unfortunately middle aged spread have taken effect.

I used to go in the Grapes in the mid 80's and the Dog and Partridge and on occasion the Foresters and the Frog and Parrot. My most popular haunts though if not the Wap would of been the Yorkshiremans Arms, sometimes the Sportsman, The Underground, ooh and the Fat Cat because I liked the cider there.

Obviously on a public forum I'm not inclined to give out too much information as you never know who might prove to be annoying if I made it easy to recognise me.

Did I even know your name jackie
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Is that Julia on page 1 of roys photo's of penthouse? If it is her does anyone know where she is these days as haven't seen her since about August last year when she was in Nelson 4 her 50th

n julia if it is you get in with touch me at jackie_lynne@hotmail.co.uk

Shhhhhhhhhh !!!!! don't think she'll b2 happy bout that"

Sorry Julia hugz jackie

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Moonchild is or was jason a regular in Wap? I f he was the barman for a while I don't remember a silver tooth tho. Did he or does he still have medium length frizzy blonde hair and a short beard as just caught a photo of a Jason in peace gardens about 1978-9 perhaps late 80's If that's Jason then yes I probably do know you but probably know jason better more by sight than name tho jackie

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Just curious to know when you were on the door? I can remember two guys both called Mick, lovely chaps and very even tempered, little Mick wore glasses and had a thumb missing. A few years after we had Chris with his dog Taz and Russel who are both featured in the pics. With them was Robin who the girls all said had 'come to bed eyes' [girls will know what I mean]

A smoothie drunk and thrown out of Henry's came across one evening and managed to put his fist through the wire mesh glass door panel, the police merely had to follow the trail of blood, one other guy on the door at the time of Chris was a character called Wolf who went on to guard door at the Hornblower.


what goes round comes round


The little chap on the door was called mick eccles he's still alive n kicking could be found in Gardeners neepsend till it was fllooded out last june. Don't know where he is now but still living in Sheffield on Jericho st Netherthorpe jackie

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Hi wallbuilder

great to hear from somebody nearly as old as me who remembers me from KGB rather than penthouse. Were you a punk rocker by any chance????? coz I remember the dance floor clearing rather rapidly when pretty vacant or god save the queen came on. Soz can't place you but did I know you to talk to.? N les used to play lots of Deep Purple, Rainbow, (rather think that was played for shirl's benefit coz boy she could dance) lynard Skinnard, ACDC cud be wrong but yes it was always loud. But I thought that was how heavy Metal was supposed to be played. Les still does play lots of deep purple etc In Nelson downstairs bar Sat night So if you in at sometime n can recognize me come up and say hi jackie


Wallbuilder a Punk??!!


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Hi wallbuilder sozz about sending my last email to private messages didn't realiseI had as I'm quite new to this email game. n the girl I think is Julia is on Roy's page 1 she's on the lefthandside long dark hair n bright red lipstick I think she's about 6th 7th photo down. Once again 1000 apologies 4 my mistake still like to find out who you are tho cheers jackie

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Hey Tillman less of the cackles of laughter and you'll have to hope and pray I never locate the photo's of a certain party at Millhouses or it'll be my turn to cackle.

Jackie the pics on page one on the left go as follows

Andy and Leigh


Jacckie [not sure]


Two guys who could be found on the Wap door

John but the girl's name escapes me, Tillman would probably remember [possibly Sarah or Julie]



I often wonder what happened to quite a few of the people featured

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Ah the glory days of the Wapentake: last bastion of rock n roll, a place gone but never forgotten....

I first stepped foot in there one Saturday lunchtime during a snowstorm february 1981, clad in snow covered afghan coat, to partake of a delicious pint of Stones best bitter with a few friends. I loved it there so much I was there non stop until 1995. I remember all the staff and most of the regulars from there, especially from the early to mid 80's......long live rock and roll

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"Ye its me again"

Soz didn't recognise descriiption of you but I did try n find you last night in Nelson. Must have been on wrong floor tho as couldn't see anyone vaguely like you or a tall blonde jackie


I was downstairs stood fairly near Lez dont normally stand there but it was quite packed on Saturday night will keep an eye out for you next week.

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