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Who Remembers The Wapentake?

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I don't think the surroundings are so important I'm sure there are shots of people in their bedrooms or other such places.

I've just checked and yes there are pics taken in other places one of my ex's in a rather fetching black outfit outside her house for example.

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At the time I used to curse people who took a camera out with them on the grounds that I wanted no photographic evidence of anything!!

Now (more than 20 years later) I kind of wish there was more photographic evidence!

Andy Atkinson had a load of Taff's old photos at one point Wallbuilder, any idea what happened to them? Also both Linda and Terrance were seen out with cameras - ideas there?

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powerage if you were stood near les on sat then I might have walked past you or shud 'I say squeezed past you as I went to the bar a couple of times'!!!!!!!! It was a bit busy wern't it? I was stood practically next door to black gates at bottom of stairs Look forward to meeting you properly cheers jackie

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Hi wallbuilder just to let you know there might be one or two photo's of me on site soon if steve puts them on . I don't know how they look but spent 3 hours earlier today trying to attach em to email so for all I know they might be total rubbish. Sadly( or fortunately) they're not from 70's but 1991 and 2005 I'm still recognisable on em tho cheers jackie

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Just noticed this thread.

I remember a place in sheff where a leather clad Wath lad used to end up very drunk many weekends.

Don't seem to recall how I got home but I must have most times.


What was that mag called ? Seem to have a cloudy thought about skull crusher.

Ye godz I was a mucky beer drinking greasy biker when I was a lad. :)

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Goldenfleece ye there are still a few druids knockin about some of em can be found in Dove n Rainbow, Nelson and Corp. The chapter now much reduced in size but Greg n some of t'others own a Tatoo parlour on Shalesmoor. Also said that Greg owns either the Basset or Beagle in Parsons cross n occassionally the "newer chapter if can call em that" run band nights at UTB about once a month last one woz on 22nd December. Luga n sparrow don't know where they are these days as have'nt seen either of em 4 quite along time now. do know the name Deano but don't think I know him personally all I know is that he used to go inta wop along wiv greg and co every now n then cheers jackie

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Hi Jackie, if you're the same Jackie that I'm thinking of, then I remember you from the Wap. Did you used to get on the 95 bus into town around City Road/Duke Street?


what goes round comes round


Hi Merrydown Recognize the name but can't place the face. Ye I am that jackie u thinkin about. N ye I used to get 95 into town as used to live on Skye Edge Rd wiv Mum n Dad' Sisters Suen Ally. But sadly lost my dad 3 years ago on Christmas Eve 2004 Also frequented Wap 3/4 times a week. Now married n have 2 daughters 2 cats n husband am living on Fulton Rd Walkley n still get 95 in2 town some 24 years l8a. Still frequent Nelson and Moorfoot Tavern most sat nights so if u still around the rock scene come up n say hi cheers jackie

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Hi Jackie, I was in the Wap most nights for years and worked behind the bar for a while 78/79ish. If I was on the 95 when you got on, we would sit together and have a natter. I didn't get in so often from the mid eighties due to marriage and having kids etc. You also know my ex husband and he mentioned the other week that he still sees you around.


I live in Barnsley now so don't get to Sheffield for a night out very often, although we do occasionally hire a minibus and a group of us come through for a change of scene. Haven't done that for ages though but now we know where the rock pubs are now, I think a trip might be arranged very soon. I'll look out for you and say hello

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