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Who Remembers The Wapentake?

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:hihi::hihi::hihi: jean / merrydown

so soz :blush::blush:bout not sending reply to u b4 but it appears I lost it somewhere in my files so Here we go again:huh::huh:


Ye it woz that Andy n I woz ab gutted when found out n after downin a few pernods I ended up in ladies loo's cryin my eyes out woz ok bout it i guess till les played one of andy's fav tracks at end of night then everything just gushed out I know I'll miss him even tho not seen him 4 10 years or so


Don't know if you knew this but I actually went out wiv Andy 4 about 2 n half years mainly one night stands but did actually go out wiv him 4 roundabout 6months :love: see u in Nelson soon jean cheers jackie xx

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Hey jean / merrydown just had a flashback regarding "Medallion man" steve does he by chance have long curly blonde hair. Is he about 5ft 6" height.50ish maybe a little older quite a good looker, small neat bum ? Did he used to either own or work behind the Bar in Sportsman.? If it is him then yes he is still around frequent's Nelson on a sat. See him sometimes in and around town usually heading to or from Sportsman sometimes in Moorfoot Tavern n Grapes on Trippet lane cheers jackie

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loopylass If you do know me I can be found in Nelson usually by the black gates at bottom of steps. if any help I know Faye n Andy Bentley. Hilary and Maureen. little tony gary(soldier) and girlfriend michelle I also go in Moorfoot Tavern and Sportsman sometimes. So if you still go in any of these pubs guarantee you do know me if not by name at least by looks I'm 5ft 3" tall.usually wearing black skinny fit jeans, light brown suade boots I had a large hooked nose,now quite a bit smaller altho still hooked slightly brown hair streaked with Gold, Blonde, red highlights. So if you recognise me by my description n you in Nelson or Moorfoot come and say hi cheers jackie


who doesnt know soldier? lol


even i do and i dunno any other name in this thread virtually :P

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