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Who Remembers The Wapentake?

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Hi there Happy Hippy

R u male or female? :P

Do you go in Nelson.? If you go in Nelson you more than likely know me. :headbang::headbang:


If you know me from The Nelson I am usually stood by Black Gates at bottom of stairs. :loopy: I'm quite recognizable still. :hihi::P

Don't go in Sportsman very much these days but used to go in quite regularly fri and sat nights up til about 1982 / 83.


These days its just once in a while usually if i'm meeting faye for night out on the town . So if you think you know or knew me thro most of 70's from 76 onwards come up n reintroduce yourself if you in Nelson or Moorfoot Tavern. look forward to meeting you soon :thumbsup: jackie

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I remember the Museum too I used to frequent it every fri and Sat night :D:D wiv one or two of the crazy wolves (n loadsa girls well at least 6 on a girls night out)

Used to start in there n walk back to The Stonehouse, move upto West St The Saddle, Beehive etc down To Grapes. Dog n Partridge The Albert 77-78 :sad::sad: Sportsman Cambridge Hotel , Yorkshireman, Wop, Nelson, Minerva, Roebuck , Red Lion back to Nelson then upto Wop 4 last drink b4 moving on to Rebels or Limit :confused: or wot.

By heck :gag those were the days downing numerous pints lager n lime :loopy: now I can't sup anymore than 3 pints ( 3 n half on a good night !!!!!!!!! ) God I must be getting old :huh: jackie

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I remember the Museum too I used to frequent it every fri and Sat night :D:D wiv one or two of the crazy wolves (n loadsa girls well at least 6 on a girls night out)


Used to start in there n walk back to The Stonehouse, move onto West St taking in The Saddle, West St Hotel, Beehive, Mailcoach. The Hornblower etc down To Grapes. Dog n Partridge The Albert 77-78 :sad::sad: Sportsman, Cambridge Hotel , Yorkshireman, Wop, Nelson Minerva, Roebuck , Red Lion back to Nelson then upto Wop 4 last drink b4 moving on to Rebels or Limit :confused: or wot.I most certainly am


By heck :gag those were the days downing numerous pints lager n lime :loopy: now I can't sup anymore than 3 pints ( 3 n half on a good night !!!!!!!!! ) God I'm either getting old or senile or getting too used too drinking sensibly. That's the Answer, !!!!!!! jeez I'd never have guessed it. I am gettin older after all :huh:

thats life but it still goes on n on
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Yep I know a Mick who used to be a bouncer on door in Wap little, glasses n half a thumb missing . :huh:


Can't place a trevor tho. only trevor I know used to live on Broomhall flats Fitwilliam St. Flashback !!!!!!!!! another trevor comes too mind :hihi: used to live on t'old manor n used to knockabout wiv an unpleasanmt character I nicknamed smelly dave who had rotting teeth,bad BO,and long greasy blonde hair going thin on top n a nice guy called clive. I remember russ as well but didn't like him either Vaguely recognize the name chris even remember a dog called Taz jackie ;);)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone remember Richard (Rich):D from The KGB Big Blonde n Handsome lived n breathed Bikes:cool:


He Used to b a bouncer on the door then dissapeared 4 a while. Reappeared in The Grapes about 1988 one sat night wiv a bunch of mates :confused: Weren't sure if it was him as he'd put a lot of weight on so didn't say anyfink 2 him. If u were in the Grapes and remember a jackie from KGB rich n u still out there Soz for not saying hi at the time but u know how it is cud have been a bit embarrassing :blush: if you weren't who I thought u were :nono: cheers jackie

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Does anyone remember Richard (Rich):D from The KGB Big Blonde n Handsome lived n breathed Bikes:cool:


He Used to b a bouncer on the door then dissapeared 4 a while. Reappeared in The Grapes about 1988 one sat night wiv a bunch of mates :confused: Weren't sure if it was him as he'd put a lot of weight on so didn't say anyfink 2 him. If u were in the Grapes and remember a jackie from KGB rich n u still out there Soz for not saying hi at the time but u know how it is cud have been a bit embarrassing :blush: if you weren't who I thought u were :nono: cheers jackie

Long live bikers n Rock forever:heyhey:
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U ask what do I mean by not attractive

I'm nearly 51

I'm 5ft 3" tall I have just recently undergone a nose job because I had a large hooked nose. Alto my nose is still hooked it is'nt as large as it used to be.:huh:

I have brown eyes,auburn hair streaked wiv Gold, Red , blonde and brown highlights.

I love heavy metal especially Judas Priest and I adore Meatloaf. I can found most sat nights in Nelson wiv husband jack n very occassionally I am on my own

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