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Who Remembers The Wapentake?

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I thought I remembered most if not all of the staff at the Kay Gee Bee, the place was owned by a guy called Ken but you rarely saw him apart from when the club was closing at night. There were the two Micks who worked on the door then a large dark skinned character with a very short skin head called Dez. Then there was Lou and Mal two guys who were supposedly in charge.

I can also name the girls who worked in the cloakroom and most if not all of the bar staff and so am somewhat peeved as the name 'Rich' does seem to ring some vague bells but I can't give the name a face, how annoying.

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:hihi::wave:Mornin Wallbuilder


How are you . Long time since spoke to you last. Ye I remember the owner of KGB as well and most of the bouncers you named :D

can even remember their names but like you can't actually put faces to em. :huh: but def remember Dez tho don't think I spoke to him much at all I spent more time talking to Rich n Ken altho did talk 2 Mal n Lou sometimes they were really nice fella's' :clap:


Was one of the Micks you remember a Mick Ledgewick ? I remember him quite well but sadly he's long gone Heart attack about 1982 I believe. n the other Mick was poss Mick Eccles n he has half a thumb missing n wears john lennon type Glasses.


Now Rich was Big 6ft 3" thereabouts,Blonde curly hair shoulder length, Handsome, think he had blue eyes but could've been Grey lived n breathed bikes n was always adding bits to his bike or buying new ones to do up. I thought he was Ken's son but thinking back I don't think he was just got that impression 4 some reason. :huh: So as a well estabilished member of KGB Wallbuilder :nono: you shud know who rich was you couldn't miss him. Hope this description helps l8a jackie

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Still can't picture the guy but I am getting old and the old grey matter doesn't work as well as it should.

Ken had three sons that I know of and one of them used to work either on the buffet counter where you could buy cigs and chocolate or on the bar where you could buy that disgusting Hofenpherle? lager although most people if they had any sense stuck to the bottled newcastle brown.

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Hi wallbuilder:D


I'm still :surprised that you can't remember rich even from that quite good description I gave u . Only thing I missed out that he was quite well built looked overweight but I'm sure he wasn't stocky might be a betta way of describing him:wow: I think he was always wearing a cami jacket with leather pants vaguely remember that he had a big black n silver bike or cud have been dark blue. but he was still gorgeous to look at:blush: by anyone's standards


Anyway he always used to stand by the table at the bottom of the stairs wiv lou mal and dez sometimes he stood with Roy Walker the younger (Andy's dad or sommat very similar.) not 100% bout that but there again I'm gettin old as well but don't think my grey matter losing it yet l8a jackie:wave:

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Hi wallbuilder:D


I'm still :surprised that you can't remember rich even from that quite good description I gave u . Only thing I missed out that he was quite well built looked overweight but I'm sure he wasn't stocky might be a betta way of describing him:wow: I think he was always wearing a cami jacket with leather pants vaguely remember that he had a big black n silver bike or cud have been dark blue. but he was still gorgeous to look at:blush: by anyone's standards


Anyway he always used to stand by the table at the bottom of the stairs wiv lou mal and dez sometimes he stood with Roy Walker the younger (Andy's dad or sommat very similar.) not 100% bout that but there again I'm gettin old as well but don't think my grey matter losing it yet l8a jackie:wave:

Still waitin to meet you someday soon
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No I'msorry that picture is just too scary, Madge in furry boots, I remember Olga used to treat us like little children sometimes and I never knew of anyone who got the better of her, I've been trying to remember the name of a tall lanky, dark haired guy with glasses who worked behind the bar and I use 'work' in a very loose sense as he was very adept at not working and has this ability to look straight through you even when you waved the money wildly in front of him desperate for a drink.
Still waitin to meet you someday soon


Hey Wallbuilder


I think the guy you talkin about called Roger:suspect:. Not 100% sure but sounds like him. I think it's the same Rodger (but wiv much shorter hair. n still wearing dark rimmed glasses) I saw in The Noose n Gibbet at Meatloaf gig :confused: 29th may. Have put out a request him to get in touch if he was there n he recognized me. Got the impression he knew me from way back when :banana: l8a jackie:wave:

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Hi :wave: Giraffe do I know u?:banana: jackie




Hi Jackie!


You might do - i had blond hair then - went out with Chris (DJ at Wap) for a while - hung around with Janette and her bloke (Tony?), Shane, Dolby, etc


Used to talk to Big Brian (always going on holiday), little Phil (same height as me!), Mick (John Lennon glasses).........


some names escape me!

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