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Who Remembers The Wapentake?

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Nice to hear so many others have good memories of Sheffield way back when - I don't get up there so often now and must admit I sometimes miss the place. Also used to go to the Penthouse quite a bit - there was another club about half way down The Moor ?? think it was called a girl's name but my marbles are too shot to remember these things ..... One of the best things about the end of a night in the Nelson used to be the chinese takeaway just over the road ..... set us up for the long haul back to our flat on Shirebrook Road .... we usually had missed the last bus or drank the bus fare !!

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Hiya Jackie :thumbsup:I do remember you from the Wap :thumbsup:but we only knew each other by sight, it used to be like that in the Wap and Rebels didn't it, you saw the same people week in week out and felt as though you knew them because their faces were so familiar but probably never or rarely had a conversaton with them. I also remember the girl on one of the photos, the girl with lovely long nails painted pink? I can't remember her name just now :help:

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The rock crowd did all seem to know one another and I remember plenty of the people featured I'm still in touch with a few of them as well. I'd like to bet that most of the trendies who frequented disco's couldn't say the same after 20 plus years.

nefertari I've just noticed your location and wondered do you know den from out that way? [female]

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:hihi: nefatari


I think I have seen dirk in the Nelson in recent months :)


But not too sure about that the name certainly rings a bell tho later :wave: jackie


do you remember badger and stanley

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Hi wallbuilder,

I live in Stoney now but I'm not from here I'm from sheffield :thumbsup:

You're so right about the trendies not being able to say that about knowing and remembering people all these years on. It always felt so 'safe' in the Rock pubs and clubs, infact one the odd occasion when none of my friends were going out I have been known to go on my own, even to Rebels, and I just knew that I would see people I knew and would not be on my own. I deffo wouldn't have been able to do that in many of the pubs in town :gag:

I do miss those days and I don't get out now, with young kids but I feel very lucky to have been a part of it.

We used to stand near the juke box with the 'football crowd'

We were there for Olgas leaving do and it was a great night but the end of an era.

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If you stood near the juke box I probably know you at least by sight, I know you're not tall Julie who has long dark hair and I know you're not Kaz as I'm still in touch with her. My memory isn't as good as it used to be but if you're brave enough I'm sure if you've got any pics of yourself or friends the Rock Reunited site would be happy to add them to the ever growing pages.

I've just thought you don't have long legs and had a long time boyfriend called Shaun by any chance

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No i didn't go out with Shaun

I love looking at the Rock Reunited site :love:might pluck up some courage to post a pic :gag:

When I think of all the nights, especially Christmas Eves dinner time I spent down there (and I absolutely used to LOVE Xmas Eve) Why didn't any of us think to take a camera !

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Christmas eve dinner time session was always a blast, the place absolutely packed to the rafters, it was almost like a pilgrimage to some of the older one's who were no longer regulars but never missed this day.

Some of the memories are still so vivid and everyone seemed to know everyone else. On a saturday night the place was allowed to hold 400 people but I would like to bet that number was exceeded quite a bit on Christmas Eve.

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God yes !Christmas eve was the best ! I always used to say that it was the one time you could see EVERYONE you knew that perhaps you no longer saw very often and I think that made it special :love:

I also remember us saying that when the Wap closed it would be the end of an era and things wouldn't be the same but I don't think any of us realised just how much things would change. There are people I never saw again after the wap closed :(

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