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Who Remembers The Wapentake?

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Hiya Jackie, fancy being a Grandma ! :thumbsup:

It took me a while to get around to having kids and so mine are still very young, one six and one three, so she's not started school yet.

When they're a bit bigger, I might make it to the Nelson and Sportsman one day :thumbsup: X

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:hihi: Nefertari


:sad: I have n't got back to you before today but my youngest as been hogging the Pc for the last two days to finish her art assignments ready for examination tin about a weeks time:D.


Not a grandma yet as the babies aren't due for another two months. I already decided I too young too be a grandma at 52 so decided I'm going too be a nan or nanny I think.


You must be quite a lot younger than me and drinking when you were about fifeteen ( heh I don't know n I thought I was too young at 18 ) You said your children are three and six. Mine are 18 and 22 n I had them quite late in life I guess 27 when I had my eldest and not quite 31 when I had my youngest :loopy: n ye we will have to make that a def decision at some point to meet up before we get too old


P.s I'm on facebook under the name jackie Manuel so if you want to find out how I'm doing these days take a look at my profile catchya l8a jackie :wave::wave:

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  • 2 months later...

I have some old super 8mm home movie film taken inside the Wapentake during 1982, but its very dark, I keep meaning to digitize it and 'correct' the lighting...you can make out Dj ken, Olga and Marge, and 2 of the other regular bar staff, plus the bouncer with long blond hair.... It also shows the peace gardens as it was, Pippys, and other 'hippie' haunts like bringing it all back home on Glossop Road, and that shop that sold records and posters near Cole brothers, now a bar on the corner.....plus it shows fargate fountains, messing about on the old town hall roof, and hordes of rockers/hippies laying around in the peace gardens summer 82 with those 99 pence bottles of cider from International Supermarket across the road.......I MUSt find it!!!! You can't move for Led Zeppelin, Whitesnake or AC/DC T shirts!!!!!

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I have some old super 8mm home movie film taken inside the Wapentake during 1982, but its very dark, I keep meaning to digitize it and 'correct' the lighting...you can make out Dj ken, Olga and Marge, and 2 of the other regular bar staff, plus the bouncer with long blond hair.... It also shows the peace gardens as it was, Pippys, and other 'hippie' haunts like bringing it all back home on Glossop Road, and that shop that sold records and posters near Cole brothers, now a bar on the corner.....plus it shows fargate fountains, messing about on the old town hall roof, and hordes of rockers/hippies laying around in the peace gardens summer 82 with those 99 pence bottles of cider from International Supermarket across the road.......I MUSt find it!!!! You can't move for Led Zeppelin, Whitesnake or AC/DC T shirts!!!!!

Lol nowt wrong wiv that:D

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  • 1 month later...



Have discussion points come to an end again or what:banana: Been nowt new on fer months. Last time woz just after Christmas. :razz:


:bigsmile: We all run outta things to say or have we all been asleep. :P.


:wink: I got an excuse my pc not been working properly n keep forgetting passwords :loopy:or what later jackie:wave:xx

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19th September 2009 - Wap Reunion organised on facebook.


"Official!! Free entry to everyone attending Wapentake Reunion Sept 19th.


Steve Rodgers wrote


at 12:16 on 07 September 2009


A big thank you to the owners Paul & Tracy as they have said everyone in the group will gain free entry on the night, all you have to do is the following...


Go to the pictures/photos section, go to the free pass flyer, print this out, colour or B&W, dosnt matter, hand this in at the reception and you will get into the Casbah free on the night. One pass per person, no limit to how many you print off and give to your friends that want to come .

If you do have any request or songs you really really wanna hear on the night then feel free to let us know.


Hope you all have a good one...



Steve "

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