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Who Remembers The Wapentake?

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Just thought I'd bump this back up a bit as there have been another few pics put on the site in the last few months. I'm sure all the aging rockers on the Forum will get a rosy glow when they spot characters from their ill-spent youth!!

The name of the band by the way is really bugging me, some-one must remember them.

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Oh yes the wap...At 13 & 14 my friends and I could get on our black stuff, do our heavey eyeliner etc and get served there no probs.The good old days.I couldn't keep my newquay brown down to well though!Yuk.

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Originally posted by roger

i remember the wap they should never have shut it when they reopened it as the casbah it was nothinglike the wap for a start you could see where you were going and there were to many suits in there :mad::gag:

full of big hairy a**** BIKERS,,,,,

not my scene ..................

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Originally posted by andymay

full of big hairy a**** BIKERS,,,,,

not my scene ..................


Not entirely true!!

You could if you looked closely see the odd punk and goth in there and even trendies. Some of the trendies came in knowing what to expect but it was always far more amusing when a novice trendy came in disappeared down the stairs and we'd place bets on how long it'd be before they'd be coming back up, some of them did an abruptabout turn whilst still on the stairs.

One goodd thing about the wap was the lack of drunken fighting and the way most of us all knew if not by name but certainly by sight each other.

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I think strix here on the forum had the identical complaint my query to her and now to you was 'why didn't you wear leather boots preferably thigh length when coming to the wap'?

Oh and at least in the girls it was just puddles in the blokes it was a lake and all the plastic pint pots in the urinals that had to be fished out at the end of the night to go back behind the bar. Guess why I drank out of bottles?

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Being 15 at the time, my pocket money didn't stretch to leather! The suede boots were knee high and we wore them on our glam nights. Most of the time we were in doc martins or para boots, so it wasn't a problem on them nights.


I think the puddles were from the mens that we used to jump over!

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Originally posted by WallBuilder

If that sign still exists in some dusty attic or cellar there are probably some people out and about maybe even on this forum who would be prepared to pay money for it.


That sign was last seen in the center for popular music.

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Obviously didn't have a gullible boyfriend then? Leather boots are horribly expensive as I discovered to my cost.

I agree most of the 'moisture' ???? did come from the guy's loo. I could name names and say who it was that used to block the toilets with loo paper and then repeatedly flush them and plastic pint pots .could cause some backflow as well.

So the toilets could be un-usable the stand up urinal was more than squelchy underfoot which left only one place, thank goodness for wash basins.

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