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Lush Products!

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Mm being off work means i get to indulge in bathing rather than showering and have sampled many lush products over the last week or so....


My new favourite bathbomb is the silver cloud. It is so pretty when you drop it in the bath, one end goes blue, the other end goes green and the water then sparkles with silver bits. I nearly saved my bathwater to show my friend i went out with last night it was so pretty. :)


I've also been trying... Champagne supernova, my usual big blue, snowfairy (again - never tire of this) Christmas kisses and then also using Body Shop's vanilla spice bath melt and their cranberry bubble bath. I also found some original source lemon shower gel which i took to my mum's house and loved that as well.


Tonight's is going to be an avobath. :)


And the popcorn they now pack it in smells so lovely. Wondering whether to put it in a sock or something to scent my sock drawer?

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Can't say I like it. I feel sick every time I go past the place. The sickly sweet stench is horrid.


I feel exactly the same way. I hate walking past LUSH shops. They just make me want to throw up. I don't find the smells pleasant at all.

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cant stand their sales attitude; within 2 minutes of walking in the door they're sales staff are on 2 ask whether you want any help; I could understand that if I'd been browsing around for 5-10 minutes but give me a break 2 minutes. :(


I couldn't agree more. I go in sometimes for Mrs. TeaFan, and it really grates, as does the way their marketing is so matey. Quite how early 21st century society got so twisted that we now have shops pretending to be your mate, I've no idea. If anyone from Lush marketing is reading this - really, just <blank> off, you are not my friends. Go away, and stand a good distance from me. And putting a little sticker with a drawing of whichever minimum wage-slave was chained to your production line to churn out your (admittedly quite good) soap products doesn't endear me to you either.

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And the popcorn they now pack it in smells so lovely. Wondering whether to put it in a sock or something to scent my sock drawer?


I put all my lush purchases in my undies drawers until I use them, it makes them all smell yummy!!:D Although I do get strange looks from the hubbie when he catches me sniffing my socks!:hihi:

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Noticed they had a sale on when walked past on my lunch hour today, will have to have a lookie in tomorrow! Agree with what some others have said, smell is usually a tad overpowering, but seeing as have a cold i'll be able to brave it!:D Do like their products though, love the shower jelly, and the lemon cuticle balm :)

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andco its really easy - just say "No, I'm fine, thank you! :)" There are a lot of products in Lush, and most of which are good for specific skin types or results - the staff know all about the products and are there to help you make the best choice. They have no problem with your declining their assistance!


Holidayhutch and Diddles, Lush have a mail order website so you can avoid the overwhelming scents! :)




Henrietta - please rest assured that I am forward in telling them where to get off and I rarely go in there because I cant stand the stench - & that's saying something as I have a very poor sense of smell.

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I love Lush...I'm wearing Silky Underwear as I type this :love:


I sent son & OH in to buy me a Christmas prezzy but they freaked out so I didn't get anything :( Last week I hit the sale & stocked up & suddenly the pair of them are huge Lush fans :roll:


My son is using up all my bath bombs. As for OH....I got a free gift set with a massage bar and...well....lets just say....he now has glitter in places he never expected :heyhey:

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