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New on the block. Advice welcome

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Hi Madsnail

I lived on Candow Street, the other side of the canal on Shirland Land. I know the shop you lived at. we also played around the canal and train lines.

Do you remember the pig stys on the land near the canal? A man called Edgar Bacon used to own them, it used to amuse me as a child that he was called Bacon.

Do you remember Ainleys chip shop on Chippingham Street?



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Hi Madsnail

I lived on Candow Street, the other side of the canal on Shirland Land. I know the shop you lived at. we also played around the canal and train lines.

Do you remember the pig stys on the land near the canal? A man called Edgar Bacon used to own them, it used to amuse me as a child that he was called Bacon.

Do you remember Ainleys chip shop on Chippingham Street?




I lived at no 9 Candow St. two doors from the shop

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Hi VHopkinson

I lived at 34 Candow St, What years were you there?




I was there in about 1940 perhaps before your time. We lived 2 doors from Miriams shop and it was Hezzleteen (spelling?) shop on the other corner. Went to Huntsmans Garden over the bridge and the piggery there was always an old man called Piggy Welban there.

I remember a lot of the neighbours names but maybe this changed when you lived there.

Used to go to Ainleys chip shop too. It was a dead end at the bottom of Candow St wasn't it. Smiths lived somewhere there I think. I have my attendance certificate from Huntsmans Garden for attendance signed by M. Dickinson Candow St isn't there now is it I have looked on a few maps to check this out.

Regards Vera

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Hi Vera


Yes a bit before my time, my ggrandad William Silkstone lived there at that time though, also my auntie, Connie Bagshaw.

My mum was born there Jennie Tunmore, her mum was always called Jewel, but she moved to Cleethorpes in 1938. My mums sisters were Dorothy and Kathleen and Muriel.

Yes the Smiths did live down near us, I remember Rosy Smith. there was another family of related Smiths near the bottom of the street I think one of them was called Percy.

We lived in the bottom yard on the opposite side to you. Yes there was a big wall at the bottom of the street and Kyser Ellisons was the firm over the wall.

Miriam was still there in the late 50's, Heseltine's on the other corner was still there when I left in 1963.

The street has been gone since about 1968, although the Fox House pub at the top of Ardmore street was still standing a few years ago, not as a pub though, it was a sorry sight.

Shirland Lane was almost unrecognisable the last time I drove down it from the Balfour road end, lots of new houses and it now twists and turns?

My mum and her sisters all went to Huntsmans Gardens school too.


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I too went to college of arts on arundel street ,but have never left sheffield .I left school in 1960.the school had then moved to nether edge, brincliffe college.


Hi, I too was educated in that building, but when it was Nether Edge Grammar. I left in 1956.



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Hi Vera


Yes a bit before my time, my ggrandad William Silkstone lived there at that time though, also my auntie, Connie Bagshaw.

My mum was born there Jennie Tunmore, her mum was always called Jewel, but she moved to Cleethorpes in 1938. My mums sisters were Dorothy and Kathleen and Muri

Shirland Lane was almost unrecognisable the last time I drove down it from the Balfour road end, lots of new houses and it now twists and turns?

My mum and her sisters all went to Huntsmans Gardens school too.



Hi Marion,

Very intersting. I have such a good memory of when I lived there to say I was a kid.I think your family would remember the Molletts, Soby's and Bullifants, all our close neighbours. My parents names was William and Alice Pope,they may remember them, not too much memories though LOL. A rum lot were around at that time!. A little girl called Mona Tinsley drowned in that canal and it was such a tradgedy at that time of day. First house over the bridge lived ,we called her Mrs Goodwoman she always gave us those little bags of (spice). Never thought I would hear of anyone from there.!! I used to live on Westbury st when I was a bit older too. We moved to the Manor though from Candow and boy was it good to have a real bath nite. Better not hog this thread but great hearing from you are you still in the Uk I went over a few years ago and only stayed ten days wish I had seen more of it now

Regards Vera ps I think my rellies were called Bagshaw, must think about that they lived on Shirland Lane.

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we lived next door to a Mrs Bullivant and Bill Pickering.

in our yard were Bramall, Mortons, Bullivant/Pickering, more Mortons, Hutchinsons, and Osborns.

I now live in Northern Ireland, my brothers and sister still live in Sheffield.

Lovely talking to you


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