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Low pay and dead end jobs

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As a lorry driver who lost my licenec because of a medical condition (vertigo), I have now at 48 started to look for other work. Even though I have a good standard of education (basically graduate who dropped out of the office options) I am increasingly alarmed at the low wages and dead end jobs out there. Furthermore, the demanding attitude of many employers and training providers is very demanding and disappointing. The average industrial wage is now 20,000 a year. Where does 5 quid an hour fit into that? Any body else out there with similar experience, or comment.

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I'm a qualified joiner but have not had a great deal of 'on the job' experience. Because of this, no decent joiner's want to be seen within the same hemisphere as me.

Now i am joining bits of plastic together for HALF the money that my younger brother is earning for doing joinery!.

The only upside to this is my job is secure.

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Originally posted by ThePiglit

The average industrial wage is now 20,000 a year. Where does 5 quid an hour fit into that? Any body else out there with similar experience, or comment.


£5 an hour multiplied by 80 hours per week equates to around £20,000 per year. We are a nation of overtime workers, I'm afraid.


It's sad but people on this sort of hourly rate are earning that kind of money.

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Originally posted by Cyclone

only if they take less than their statutory 20 days holiday in the year.


And 80 hours is significantly in excess of the european working time directive.


Which the UK has not fullly signed up to.......

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This aggravates ,me too. The government profess an interest in ensuring that everyone spends quality time together in families, is pro marriage, commends thw rok of churches, counselling services etc to maintaint he family unit and then expect at least one of the people to work ridiculous hours to support said family. This is after reducing married person reductions for tax extra and doing away with many of the financial benefits to being married.

its either one way or the other.

then they spout off about parents being more proactive and spending time with kids HA! how is that possible when the parent seffectively take turns at looking after them or placing them with sitters while they work some more.

Government is stupid. Low paid jobs should be given a basic guaranteed salary which covers the costs of food shopping heating, power, water, tax, housing, clothing, and medication etc and so on per person, per year. The government already have specific views on how much a person needs to live on. Anything earned above and beyond that is to improve the quality of life and to save etc.

No person of an adult age should suffer poverty at the hands of a pathetic self obsessed government who could never personally attempt to live on the dole financial criteria.

The minimum wage is pants and we should all be given a maximum working time per week which can be exceeded only by OPTIONAL overtime. Employers who threaten and manipulate regarding hours should be punished.

And I say all that as a person who does not suffer as a result of my work! My life is pretty good I guess.

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I have just quit a 40k a year job to work in a proffesion that will pay much much less (start about 12-15k). There is never just one reason for making a decision like that, but my sanity was suffering a little from being a wage-slave!

I have chosen to train in a career that will bring me personal satisfaction. The training is going well and I have taken up meditation too which helps keep it alll focussed. So far I have no regrets. I will undoubtedly be leading a more humble life from now on, but in my opinion I will be far richer.


I should add I am single and do not have any dependant children. Its clearly more difficult to take such a decision with the extra responsibility. Although it could be argued a poor but happy dad is better than a miserable wealthy one.


I suppose I'm saying wages aren't everything. Just a different angle : )

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yep £5 an hour and now they want you to work well past retirement age because they have spent our pensions. With the level of ageism in this country just try getting a job over the age of 50. They are shipping in workers from other countries to ensure that the low wages are kept that way, so don't expect any better. Blair has now fully completed what Thatcher began.

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