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Honour killings. Why do they do it?

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I hope one day the media will stop dignifying these freaks with the term 'honour' killings - they're not honourable by any stretch of the imagination. These people are out and out murderers. I don't care if they're doing it in the name of religion and I don't care if it's 'cultural' - it's just wrong. I get sick and fed up with bigotry and cruelty being made excuses for with the line "Oh it's his/her faith". Some say that I just don't understand 'faith' and how it defines a person's life - but it seems this just neatly sews up the excuses for them with a cast iron defence. :(


What interests me is how women, who are the victims of this crime are also perpetrators. It seems some women do not want the status quo to be upset - you get the same thing with female circumcision (which is again a vile euphemism for mutilation) as it's the mothers and aunts who take the girls to have this done, not the fathers. Do we get the same thing, albeit in a much milder form in our own society with mums taking tiny daughters to have their ears pierced and dressing them in horrible slutty clothes? It's all about 'fitting in' for some odd reason.


I think it is because they are indoctrinated from birth that they are 2nd class citizens and that men are in charge so they end up believing it. If you brainwash any one from an early age they will believe it.


Personally I think that all men even western men still mostly believe women are lesser beings just there for their benefit I think it is just instinct for some reason.

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Yes, I know quite a few :thumbsup: one of my best mates who is white ( english ) is married to an asian lass who is muslim.


Also, the honour killings are done by old, uneducated stuck-in-their-ways plants. Dont tar everyone with the same brush.




That's not what he said.


They are doing it because they live in the dark ages. What year is it? Something like year 1200?


I am afraid we will have to tar everyone with the same brush.

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I think it is because they are indoctrinated from birth that they are 2nd class citizens and that men are in charge so they end up believing it. If you brainwash any one from an early age they will believe it.


That's very true and in my childhood in the 50s, it was the received wisdom, even though it was perfectly obvious that the women were really running things anyway, certainly domestically and in keeping control of the finances. All that the men were expected to do was go to work and the pub/club and maybe play games at the weekend (golf or some other manly pursuit) but they were deferred to on the surface and that 'kept the cart on the wheels' so to speak :)


Personally I think that all men even western men still mostly believe women are lesser beings just there for their benefit I think it is just instinct for some reason.


They may very well think that .... but very few of them actually have the nerve to say it these days. Of course, it is a biological fact that most men find it difficult to function if they're belittled or demeaned, they need to feel that they're the dominant person in the relationship. There is also a school of thought that violent men, eg rapists and 'wife beaters' are keeping all women in subjection on behalf of all the other 'more reasonable' men. It's an interesting point for debate.

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I think it is because they are indoctrinated from birth that they are 2nd class citizens and that men are in charge so they end up believing it. If you brainwash any one from an early age they will believe it.


Personally I think that all men even western men still mostly believe women are lesser beings just there for their benefit I think it is just instinct for some reason.


I don't think it's instinct - but it is something that has developed over thousands of years and which will not be reversed over the course of the past century or so since the women's movement really got going. True equality will probably take centuries to achieve, as some attitudes are so ingrained, and the sexism behind them so subtle, that many people don't even realise they hold attitudes which ultimately prevent the equality of women. And unfortunately, women are as likely to hold these attitudes as men are.

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I wonder when they are languishing in prison if they consider it was worth it, they should be in there for life, having wiped someone off the face of the earth - and for pride which is no virtue


They should be in there for life, which means to their dying day. Sorry, but murder it is, and they should accept all that they receive for such a vile action.

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The terrible thing is that the poor girl went to the police 4 times and was ignored. Indeed, she was told she could be charged with criminal damage to the window she broke when she jumped through it to escape.

Would a middle class white girl have received this reaction?

i think not.

How often do social services follow up what's happened to asian children who suddenly disappear from school?

Not very.

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The terrible thing is that the poor girl went to the police 4 times and was ignored. Indeed, she was told she could be charged with criminal damage to the window she broke when she jumped through it to escape.

Would a middle class white girl have received this reaction?

i think not.

How often do social services follow up what's happened to asian children who suddenly disappear from school?

Not very.


Are you able to support these opinions with facts? The asian community is well known for closing ranks against outsiders, it was

one of the problems faced by police in the investigations after 7/7.

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The terrible thing is that the poor girl went to the police 4 times and was ignored. Indeed, she was told she could be charged with criminal damage to the window she broke when she jumped through it to escape.

Would a middle class white girl have received this reaction?

i think not.

How often do social services follow up what's happened to asian children who suddenly disappear from school?

Not very.


Many women in theocracies are simply disbelieved if they report a rape - in fact there are cases where they have ended up being punished for it. It's not just in Muslim countries either - Ireland wasn't exactly an enlightened country with it's despicable Magdalen laundries and it's not moved on a huge amount since.


I am sorry but I just have no time for people who use 'faith' as an excuse to treat women badly.

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