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Honour killings. Why do they do it?

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While nobody would (openly) defend such killings in themselves, the attitudes and cultural norms of the whole honour code thing are frequently defended and sometimes even endorsed, on here and in wider society. The ironic achievement of anti 'racists' was to make it taboo to tackle the issue at all. It has taken politicians and the police years to take it seriously. And often when they have tried to prosecute, much of the community tends to sympathise with the perpetrators and do not come forward to condemn or co-operate.


I think all such honour codes stink to high heaven, whether they lead to death or not, and should never be tolerated out of cultural 'respect'.

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Last week, French feminists were up in arms as celebrated rock star Bertrand Cantat faced the possibility of being freed from jail after serving just four years for killing his girlfriend. In the summer of 2003, France was transfixed by the death of well-known actress Marie Trintigant. Marie had been beaten savagely by Cantat, before she fell into a coma and died of her injuries. There were marks of strangulation around her neck as well as marks from blows that the pathologist likened to the impact of being hurled against a wall at 125 miles per hour.


The reason for this brutal killing? Cantat was jealous of his girlfriend's ability to remain on good terms with the three fathers of her four children. He wanted her to end contact not just with them, but with all other men. He also pressurised her to try to get love scenes cut from her films, as he was jealous of her co-stars. She refused the first request and was unable to achieve the second. Her punishment for not acceding to these demands? A violent beating and a painful death, which left four children motherless. Cantat was sentenced to eight years and is currently serving his sentence in France. Under French law, he can be granted parole once half his sentence is served.


A crime of passion can be compared to honour killings, and is recognised in France.

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Sometimes I agree with you, but here you're talking balderdash about racism and such.


Any civilised human being regards such things as murder. The people who do it - and it happens in Hindu and Sikh cultures as well as Muslim are murderers and should be treated that way.


They're murderers, their family members who condone it are accessories after the fact.


Simple as that - it's murder, it's against English Law, and they should be prosectuted.


Thanks JoeP...as regards to the following anti-semantics:



This must be one of the few posts concerning Muslims that has not attracted the usual crowd,I wonder if its something to do with the fact that the barbarity is well documented and unexplainable.





Your asking for trouble starting a thread like this.

Your either a racist or just anti-muslim if you say anything other than how peacful a religion they are.

As for killing a family member bringing some kind of honour back.

Well my opinion is they are just a backward and barbaric if they think that it will.


It is certainly true that 'Honour Killings' are higher amongst the Hindu community (In India ofcourse). 'Suti' is the traditional Hindu practice of a widow ... it's deemed a great honour to jump onto funeral pyre of a dead husband. (First abolished by the Mughals and then by the British in India -Has seen a significant rise in India recently). Same goes for Dowry murders...Dowry is a Hindu practice.


Indeed, "Honour Killings" do occur amongst Muslim communities - but it is not an Islamic practice. Just as is murder. There is no way that any kind of semantical argumenting/verbal gymnastics,(as in above posts), can be used to justify the killing of another human being whether it's terrorism, rape or plain murder. Infact, the OP should know by now that it isn't an Islamic practice...Sure! "Muslims" do all sorts of bad things -they're humans too, but the connotations are quite clear - use a bigger brush next time. ("Honour Killings" are unknown in Indonesia, (the worlds largest Muslim population), Malaysia and the Caucasus region, Bosnia, and Albania, as well as in parts of West Africa with significantly larger Muslim populations than some Arab countries where "Honour Killings" are not necessarily common place or endemic as is in India, but it does happen quite often).


If we look at "Honour Killings" around the world, it is not just more common or endemic in the Asian community -Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims, but in some Arab countries, (more commonly known as 'RetaliationCrimes' and very common amongst tribal communities), as well as in South America.


...according to human rights lawyer Julie Mertus "in Brazil, until 1991 wife killings were considered to be noncriminal 'honor killings'; in just one year, nearly eight hundred husbands killed their wives. Similarly, in Colombia, until 1980, a husband legally could kill his wife for committing adultery.


Haiti: Article 269 of the Penal Code states that "in the case of adultery as provided for in Article 284, the murder by a husband of his wife and/or her partner, immediately upon discovering them in flagrante delicto in the conjugal abode, is to be pardoned."


Also a common practice in Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Guatemala, Israel, Peru, and Venezuela. The right to kill a partner for adultery can be found in the penal codes of these countries.


^ United Nations General Assembly: Working towards the elimination of crimes against women committed in the name of honour.

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Your asking for trouble starting a thread like this.

Your either a racist or just anti-muslim if you say anything other than how peacful a religion they are.

im only speaking for myself when i say that i have NEVER supported every action of every muslim, i admit it does have one or two problems, but on the whole it IS peaceful, what i wont stand by and watch is a whole peoples being hated by blind ignorant people who hate something cos theyve seen something bad on the telly about a muslim.

of course honour killings are bull****..........same as honour killings in young people, same as all murder is.

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I read an article in Glamour magazine the other day, which made me weep. I cant provide a link as the article isnt replicated on the site.


It was about a Muslim girl who came from Libya to the UK to study. She made a few friends and was invited to a party- where she was gang-raped by 3 Muslim men and 1 Muslim woman. She pressed charges and now is in hiding as her own brother has ordered her death and her family and people from her Muslim community are seeking to kill her, as she's brought "shame" on them. I think this is appalling. She was viciously raped and yet she is the one that has to suffer.


This happens everyday- there was a story earlier this year of a girl found stuffed in a suitcase in Birmingham

I just had to say something to bring this issue to light. Sadly it seems that nothing can be done to stop it. I simply cannot understand how killing your beloved child or sister can restore honour to the family.




If you want to read it for yourself its in Glamour (Nov edition, £2).



Honour Crimes

Honour killing is the murder of a woman accused of bringing shame upon her family.


Honour killing is an ancient tribal custom and an allegation against a woman can be enough to defile a family's honour and justify her murder.


The United Nations Population Fund estimates that the annual worldwide total of killings might be as high as 5,000 women.

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In Syria if a murder can be classified as an honour killing it's not even a crime, but an offense and carries a maximum sentence of one year. That's the maximum, a month in prison is quite normal.


we are not in syria. a christian in this country kills an unfaithful wife its murder ,the same for a muslim ,there is no such thing as honour killing in the uk. if people want to live by these codes of law i suggest they relocate to a country more suitable to their beliefs. before anyone rants that is not a racist statement its a fact of british law.

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we are not in syria. a christian in this country kills an unfaithful wife its murder ,the same for a muslim ,there is no such thing as honour killing in the uk. if people want to live by these codes of law i suggest they relocate to a country more suitable to their beliefs. before anyone rants that is not a racist statement its a fact of british law.


alastair wasnt saying anything other than the facts as he knows it IN SYRIA, dunno where your rant about here not being syria comes into it

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