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Honour killings. Why do they do it?

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im only speaking for myself when i say that i have NEVER supported every action of every muslim, i admit it does have one or two problems, but on the whole it IS peaceful, what i wont stand by and watch is a whole peoples being hated by blind ignorant people who hate something cos theyve seen something bad on the telly about a muslim.

of course honour killings are bull****..........same as honour killings in young people, same as all murder is.


The sound of rational, non hysterical, non emotional reasoning.:thumbsup:


I take it you're not one of the sheeple on SF. m(_ _)m (Bowing down before the authority of popular opinion in the Tabloids).

As long as there's a clear distinction made between culture and religion...fine! IYFEG.

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alastair wasnt saying anything other than the facts as he knows it IN SYRIA, dunno where your rant about here not being syria comes into it


not ranting stating facts. i didnt bring syria into the thread .i am stating i dont give a toss about syrian law im in the uk and so are these so called honour killers ,i dont see how anyone could possibly disagree with that.

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if people want to live by these codes of law i suggest they relocate to a country more suitable to their beliefs. before anyone rants that is not a racist statement its a fact of british law.


Nope, fact of British Law is to bring criminals to justice and not invite them to relocate to a different country.

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Nope, fact of British Law is to bring criminals to justice and not invite them to relocate to a different country.


His point, I think, is that people who don't approve of British law should feel free to go somewhere else, and live under a legal system of which they do approve.


If they'd rather stay here, they must abide by our law, or face the consequences.

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Thanks JoeP...as regards to the following anti-semantics:










It is certainly true that 'Honour Killings' are higher amongst the Hindu community (In India ofcourse). 'Suti' is the traditional Hindu practice of a widow ... it's deemed a great honour to jump onto funeral pyre of a dead husband. (First abolished by the Mughals and then by the British in India -Has seen a significant rise in India recently). Same goes for Dowry murders...Dowry is a Hindu practice.


Indeed, "Honour Killings" do occur amongst Muslim communities - but it is not an Islamic practice. Just as is murder. There is no way that any kind of semantical argumenting/verbal gymnastics,(as in above posts), can be used to justify the killing of another human being whether it's terrorism, rape or plain murder. Infact, the OP should know by now that it isn't an Islamic practice...Sure! "Muslims" do all sorts of bad things -they're humans too, but the connotations are quite clear - use a bigger brush next time. ("Honour Killings" are unknown in Indonesia, (the worlds largest Muslim population), Malaysia and the Caucasus region, Bosnia, and Albania, as well as in parts of West Africa with significantly larger Muslim populations than some Arab countries where "Honour Killings" are not necessarily common place or endemic as is in India, but it does happen quite often).


If we look at "Honour Killings" around the world, it is not just more common or endemic in the Asian community -Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims, but in some Arab countries, (more commonly known as 'RetaliationCrimes' and very common amongst tribal communities), as well as in South America.






Also a common practice in Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Guatemala, Israel, Peru, and Venezuela. The right to kill a partner for adultery can be found in the penal codes of these countries.


^ United Nations General Assembly: Working towards the elimination of crimes against women committed in the name of honour.


Where do you get anti semantic from I dont recall the Jewish religion being mentioned anywhere on here:huh:

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You may have something there. Still, even if they dont activly join this thread im sure they have enough clout between them to get it closed.


This has been done so many times beforehand, and there isn't a person on here who thinks that 'honour killings' are a 'good thing'.


Even us lefties think it's appalling.


Unfortunately, it happens. Like murder, rape, drink/driving, not paying taxes and/or library fines, and all sorts. Whatever, it is still murder, and indefensible.


There are also laws to prosecute such retaliation, and as has been pointed out several times, it is not kept to a particular religion.


How many times have there been 'incidents' involving 'families' on 'estates' where people have been 'injured' because 's/he went wi' 'im/'er from t'wrong road."?


It's the same thing, and still happens.

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im only speaking for myself when i say that i have NEVER supported every action of every muslim, i admit it does have one or two problems, but on the whole it IS peaceful, what i wont stand by and watch is a whole peoples being hated by blind ignorant people who hate something cos theyve seen something bad on the telly about a muslim.

of course honour killings are bull****..........same as honour killings in young people, same as all murder is.


One or two problems? There is an entire cultural regime deeply embedded behind every 'honour killing', it is not the same as just any old murder. It is not about sexual jealousy or a moment of lost temper, the attitudes and principles behind these murders seep right through entire sections of certain communities, and are allowed to fester precisely because the authorities, from the police to the Foreign Office to local organisations to those on the diseased left insist on denying the extent of the beliefs that underpin these crimes. It is a system of oppression and misogyny which is persistently defended and protected in the name of multiculturalism. Full blown killing may be *uncool* but the associated widespread coercion of girls and women is right-on. And every time people try to speak out about this pernicious 'norm' up pop those who try to present themselves as anti-racist, but who are the most racist of all, because they think brown-skinned women of foreign extraction don't merit the same rights and freedoms in everyday life - in real-life terms - as white westerners take for granted.

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In my grandmother's generation, in Sheffield, it was not uncommon for girls becoming pregnant outside marriage to be cast out by the family (the melodramatic "Never darken our doorstep again!"). Many of these girls died; suicide, starvation,murder...

Let's paraphrase Madame Roland "OH Morality! What crimes are committed in thy name"

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In my grandmother's generation, in Sheffield, it was not uncommon for girls becoming pregnant outside marriage to be cast out by the family (the melodramatic "Never darken our doorstep again!"). Many of these girls died; suicide, starvation,murder...

Let's paraphrase Madame Roland "OH Morality! What crimes are committed in thy name"


And as a result of botched abortions as well.


Even in my own childhood I remember one of my distant cousins being cast out of teh family fold for getting pregnant outside marriage - dishonouring teh family.


Obviously nowhere near the same magnitude of consequence, but very much the same muddied thinking behind it.

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