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Honour killings. Why do they do it?

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jesus that is terrible...


but when you hear about how violent a lot of muslim men are towards women then it doesnt suprise me.


what is it with these muslims..... i just dont get em.


there are a couple of muslims that work at my office and they are lovely nice people who are only too happy to explain their beliefs to others who may be interested... its quite funny how one of them though is the most celebrity obsessed, materialistic girl I have ever met- I thought muslims were against all that? they seem to be a bunch of hypocrites :rolleyes:


Contrary to popular belief 'them' and 'those' arn't a blurbed mass of one entity like the 'BORG' from star trek! nor should you base your stereotypical presumption of muslims from the mainstream media. Muslims do not lose their identity, culture or personality beacuse of their faith,

and Don't we all live in a materialistic world?


here are four major schools of thought within Islam and all follow the main principles. From the mystical and spiritual interpretation of sufism to the more stricter and literal interpreters. Non of which in my view condones the murder in the name of honour as this post initially cited, !!!


If however individuals use their faith as a justification for such acts they are seriously misguided. As are the people that belieive the faith is to blame.

I agree that many Muslim men do infact blur and have for centuries used culture, tradition and religion as a tool to create a more patriachal society able to assert their own power against women. (This has been the case and still is in all societies ). Actual Islam abolished the custom of burying infant girls soon after they were born.



I guess the pinnacle of the issue here is a Muslim womens rights are subjugated? And there is certainly a 'gender apartheid in certain Islamic countries,. However the same women becomes the target of Western scrutiny should she declare her faith or show visible signs of it (ie headscarf, just look at the number of threads on SF on such topics).


"On one hand she is harmed in the name of a so called version of Islam and on the other Democracy."

So yes I too find the threads full of hypocracy. so rather than just be an armchair critic and nod my head in dismay as I tut......I have actively supported and worked for organisations helping empower such women. And need I say correct people, to the Islam I know as providing women with Human rights.

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Not for Muslims though - they believe in holy war, which i can JUST about accept (although i think all war is stupid) and therefore killing to protect their faith - but i jsut cant understand why this community want to hunt down this girl and kill her when she was the one who suffered (though the rape)

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"Amnesty International estimates that nine out of ten Pakistani wives have been beaten by their husbands," he says. "Of course they can point to the Koran -- and they do -- and say, 'This is what Allah himself says that I should do.'





OHH PPPLLeese, how many domestics have you been involved in and why would they come to you explaining the verses from the Quran? You spout some nonesense based on assumptions and prejudiced pub talk. The article you quote about a battle where some jews were killed, so bloody what? long time a go, and besides that's what happens in heat of battle we are told again and again, get over it. All muslims are women beaters and murdering their daughters just to spite purdyamos? what blinkered rubish?

Rant over.

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It is a system of oppression and misogyny which is persistently defended and protected in the name of multiculturalism. Full blown killing may be *uncool* but the associated widespread coercion of girls and women is right-on. And every time people try to speak out about this pernicious 'norm' up pop those who try to present themselves as anti-racist, but who are the most racist of all, because they think brown-skinned women of foreign extraction don't merit the same rights and freedoms in everyday life - in real-life terms - as white westerners take for granted.


purdy im afraid your talking ********, who has said asian women dont merit the same rights and freedoms?

i was trying to be honest and state my case, but you refuse to take on board ANYTHING i say, you are one track minded on the subject.


im saying there IS things i dont agree with in islam, comprende?

but i WILL NOT hate a whole religion, culture, way of life, people, race because of a few **** bits.


no culture, race, religion is perfect. but you have to work on the good bits not try to destroy the good bits aswell. building barriers DOES NOT help change things. theres plenty of decent law abiding muslims out there that do not do such things, i WILL NOT HATE THEM.

you just want to denounce islam as the devil purely cos of the wrongs against women, personally im against all religion but i respect their right to believe in a none existant god aslong as it doesnt curtail others rights.

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what is it with these muslims..... i just dont get em.


The vast majority of true followers of Islam would condemn this barbaric practice.


The idea that killing a rape victim restores a family's honour has got to be the sickest joke of all time. Such people should be dealt with with the full force of the law.

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I have to agree with purdy, woman in islam are oppressed. i have seen this with my own eyes. friends who have been raped but couldnt tell their prents or the police because it was their fault!


1: NOBODY has said they arent oppressed

2: why is it their fault? (thats one of the things that oppresses them, it ISNT their fault)

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