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The Harley: from Hero to Zero

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iv always enjoyed my nights there, never seen any sick, yes the toilets arnt spotless but never that bad. as for gropeing ive only once experienced that in there and thats more than can be said for other places.

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No offence Holly, clearly you're upset at a few things but do you not believe these issues would have been better off directed in private to the bar concerned so they may actually be dealt with constructively, as opposed to airing them on a public forum. That tied in with the fact that you seem to have just registered for that purpose make me somewhat suspicious as to your motives.


Anyhows, whoever you are, let me just say that without the input and support from the Harley, Natural Shy would never in a million years been able to bring to Sheffield the DJs we have. Nor would the record shop have lasted as long as it has. They have supported us and other nights such as Club Pony, Wall of Balls, No Uniform, and their own band night etc purely on the basis of merit, something that has benefitted the Sheffield scene as a whole which must be applauded. As for your other groans, I have spent a lot of time in there over the last couple of years and am yet to really see any signs of what you talk about here. Any bar serving alcohol will have a few issues here and there as that'sn unfortunately drunken human nature but I think you have exagerated that totally and, again that makes me wonder why.


I suggest you actually contact the bar and deal with your grievances sensibly and like an adult instead of trying to undo a lot of good work that has been done by various people over the last couple of years

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Thanks for all the support people. At wall of balls we have always found the harley a great place and the people great to work with.



Not only is the lay out superb, loud at one end if you fancy a dance or quiet at the other if you fancy a natter. We've allways found the bar staff very helpful.



On the subject of vomit everywhere, not once have i seen it.



As other posts have mentioned, vote with your feet.

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Firstly Holly, what bar do you work for? We are just a little taken aback that you register to the forum entirely for the purpose of slating us. Having said this I am not about to descend into some childish slanging match, so instead I will reply to all your points.


1) The bar staff- who you describe as plastic, that to me seems a little personal. If you feel you have been rude to as a customer the best thing to do is speak to the person in charge that evening. I feel that we have quite a friendly group of staff but that being said no one is perfect and when its 3 deep at the bar and 4 in the morning perhaps it isn’t always the case, for that we can only apologise but we won’t defend ourselves for employing good looking people.


2) The menu- yes we hold our hands up to this one. While we are trying to source local products and keep them as reasonably priced as possible sometimes we fall short ensuring every item is available, plus we have had a few staffing issues in the kitchen. Sorry to all those customers who have been affected by this, but just to let you know we are about to start some pretty good food offers for the summer!


3) Customers- you yourself said you liked the fact that you didn’t have to get dressed up to drink here, so while trying to remain unpretentious perhaps our door policy isn’t as strict as other bars. However anyone who causes offence to other customers is removed pretty sharpish, and as talented as we are we can’t predict everyone’s behaviour. And to be fair been as though it used to be wall to wall football hooligans when we took over I really think it has improved.


4) Pockets of sick- we have one of the latest licenses in town and therefore sometimes people may be a little worse for wear when they get here. However I really resent the implication that it just stays there. We are constantly trying to keep the bar clean, which I may add is difficult on a busy night. Standards are important to us so if you did come across sick that we hadn’t noticed you could as most people would, let us know. And also please tell me what’s worse than a pocket of sick?


5) Flyers- thank you for noticing our flyers, we have lots of fun making them. We are just trying to catch peoples attention in what is already a sea of paper. They probably speak to 8 yr olds as in our hearts we really are, although I have to say after reading your post I asked my 8 year old brother to look at them and he didn’t seem too impressed. Apparently there is no reference to Spongebob Squarepants. Although that may be our next flyer so watch out people! It’s fun that’s all, not insulting.


6) Jew and tits- I am sure they can defend themselves, in fact they are waiting to get on now, I’ll just say one is Jewish and the other has big tits. Quite straight forward really, even 8 yr olds get it.


7) Grotty- At New Year we shut for a week to refurb the Harley, unfortunately as we are open nearly 24hrs a day we are constantly battling against graffiti, vandalism, theft and drunken accidents. We are never going to be a chrome finish bar but yes we do want it to look nice and will endeavor to bring it back to spec this summer.


8) We totally agree about the toilets, they are a mess and we are introducing capital punishment to the next person caught trashing them.


At The Harley we strive to bring quality drinks, amazing nights as mentioned by natural shy post, and a relaxed and unpretentious vibe. To any customers who have not experienced this we apologise, but you are free to come and speak to the manager personally. This includes you Holly.


As our friend Oscar said, “There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”



Sarah Nulty


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7) Grotty- At New Year we shut for a week to refurb the Harley, unfortunately as we are open nearly 24hrs a day we are constantly battling against graffiti, vandalism, theft and drunken accidents. We are never going to be a chrome finish bar but yes we do want it to look nice and will endeavor to bring it back to spec this summer.


fair dos! see ya saturday :)

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Hi Holly, this is tits. What's your beef?


Jew and Tits are my best friend Becca and I. As Sarah correctly stated, Becca is Jewish, and I've got massive mams. People always call her Jew and me Tits, so when we started djing we just called ourselves that.


We're just a couple of girls having a laugh and playing some tunes we love. Come and see us if you want. We're no erol alkan, but we do it all for free and really enjoy it.


We are in no way "derogortary". We run nights promoting other girls djs from across the city. We make cakes and hand them out for free.


I truely LOVE the fact that our names have fallen into your lexicon, even if used in a negative way, I think it's brilliant and there is no sarcasm intended at all.


I'm glad your friends find us so funny. We are pretty darn hilarious.



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I came across this thread and couldn't help but think what pub/bar does Holly work for? Surely if she was that concerned, and she clearly has a lot to say, why has she not put these concerns to the manager? (The person that can do more to improve the situation, than anyone who reads these threads. Surely?)


I am currently living in Leicester but have been up to the Harley band nights several times. In my opinion i've always had a great night, the staff that I have been served by have always been friendly (even at ridiculous hours of the morning) and I definately have no complaints about the music, or the dj's choice of names. Thats their perogative isn't it? Is Fat boy slim an insult to fat people or slim people? Its a name, a gimic, not something to get upset by.


No woman or man wants to be groped, but Holly life in an alcohol fuelled world is a bitch! Can the bar staff really change these people or read their minds? If they could/we could wouldn't that be great.........


So to the staff, managers, and dj's keep up the good work and perhaps if Holly finds the balls to talk to you in person you could try and resolve some of her issues.


Kim x

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i love the harley, everything about it is right!


the record shop and the drinks and the food, and the sofas etc etc etc its a cosy drinkin parlour with cosy jews and tits...lol! i know a lot of hard work goes into both the record shop as well as the pub so much respect.


forever love and respect from the Plug massive!






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Re: Jew and Tits. How is this name derogatory or offensive? It is like claiming that 'Gay Times' is offensive to gay people because it uses the word 'gay'.


Re: 'Drinks are cheap but so is the Swim Inn'. So? What exactly is your point? Should they be more expensive?


Re: Staff. You're just plain wrong on this one, trust me. Bearing in mind they work the longest hours out of any bar staff in the city I think they're a credit to the place.


Re: Customers. I can't believe there is a bar in Sheffield in which drunk people don't go and act like idiots. Or maybe you're right, maybe Varsity or the Cavendish have a better class of clientele.


Re: Flyers. You were running out of ideas at this point, weren't you?

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