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Any Sheffield Video Games Industry People on the Forum?

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If there is one role in my office that I just couldnt do - its test.


Its one of the most important jobs there is at the end of a project. The test guys just wearily get on with the job, generally work 100+ hours a week during crunch time, and get hassle from other people because they do their job and find problems others are responsible for!


The test guys I work with are brilliant. Thorough, detailed and hard working. And not the kind you often get from publishers, or third party test companies. They can be awkward, obstructive and in some cases just plain vengeful, finding extra bugs for you because you might have told them off over something.

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I'm developing a game called 'scrotum Rats' in which two pubic lice (Nat and Nit) go on a multi layered adventure through the Bottom fur of various hosts. (being transfered by intercourse or cross clothing contamination).


They travel through a wondrous world of pubic forests and ravines meeting other deeply depressing creatures on the way and having to dispatch every one of them.


They must get past the 'Anus of No Return' a volcano so deadly that it constantly erupts bilious gases into the pantosphere! In there lurks 'The Worm of Xcrecious' a mythical creature that can only be killed by severing its head or antibiotics.


Our two hero's survive a waxing when to their surprise it was a Brazil wax and they find a small tuffty island of front bottom fur known as 'The final front Hair'


Finally, they reach the prize 'The Testicle of Gamus' where they plant their eggs thus ensuring the sequel. Then the host dies of Crabulitious (a serious complaint of one or both nuts)


This game is a multi level puzzle game like Tomb Raider only set in pants. I've touted the idea out, only, surprisingly, no one as yet appears interested.:confused:


I'm aiming my market at nerds and emotional cripples!

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I work in games, used to work in Sheffield, but now work outside Sheffield. Won't say who I work for though, so please don't ask!


Hi there


I did consider not putting forward who I work for. Then I thought - what the hell, why not? What damage can it do? I dont intend criticising my company because I love working there. I am not about to divulge any confidential information either.


I think sometimes in our industry there is a crazy paranoia about keeping everything super secret. Most people on the inside know everyone else and what they are doing anyway, they just keep it quiet.

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I'm developing a game called 'scrotum Rats' in which two pubic lice (Nat and Nit) go on a multi layered adventure through the Bottom fur of various hosts. (being transfered by intercourse or cross clothing contamination).


They travel through a wondrous world of pubic forests and ravines meeting other deeply depressing creatures on the way and having to dispatch every one of them.


They must get past the 'Anus of No Return' a volcano so deadly that it constantly erupts bilious gases into the pantosphere! In there lurks 'The Worm of Xcrecious' a mythical creature that can only be killed by severing its head or antibiotics.


Our two hero's survive a waxing when to their surprise it was a Brazil wax and they find a small tuffty island of front bottom fur known as 'The final front Hair'


Finally, they reach the prize 'The Testicle of Gamus' where they plant their eggs thus ensuring the sequel. Then the host dies of Crabulitious (a serious complaint of one or both nuts)


This game is a multi level puzzle game like Tomb Raider only set in pants. I've touted the idea out, only, surprisingly, no one as yet appears interested.:confused:


I'm aiming my market at nerds and emotional cripples!


Hehe - sounds like someone is missing an opportunity there!

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I know of at least 2 games developers on the forum who have yet to respond to this thread- one of whom is very well renowned amongst the community but now lives in the US.


I'm sure he'll see and respond if he would like to be known.

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where in sheff is hiring testers if anywhere.


I've been learning with some 3d packages but I don't expect to get a job doing that in the next few years, I had a go at the bizarre creations 3dtest, needless to say it didn't get submitted lol but will get paid to do it one day.

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