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Any Sheffield Video Games Industry People on the Forum?

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  • 10 months later...
bloody hell fell on this site while looking for Lister???? anyone heard from him at all? lost touch about 4 years ago.


Hi RobM what you been upto?


Lister from Edinburgh? Or a completely different Lister?

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Hi all


Sheffield has a few good computer games developers. I work for one of them. I just wondered if we had many forum members from our small, close knit community?


Chances are we all probably know each other, or we share mutual contacts, but don't know anything beyond peoples forum identities!




Bibble !


Hey, you'll work with my brother. And my nephew (guess that gives the game away, eh?). Unless you are my brother, or nephew... :)

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That would be my dream job! My first ever work placement from School was doing something similar, I remember thrashing a guy called Pete Harrap on Jonah Barrington's Squash while testing the 2 player mode on it when I worked at Krisalis Software in Rotherham, was about this time of year in 1990 iirc.


Hey Rich, that was Jahangir Khan, not Jonah Barrington, I should know, I wrote the damned thing.

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Hey, you'll work with my brother. And my nephew (guess that gives the game away, eh?). Unless you are my brother, or nephew... :)


I can only think of two people who could fit that criteria so I think I know who you mean. I'll ask *censored* on Monday is his sis is an SF mod. :)

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Listen to Bibble. He/she speaketh the truth! It's not like playing your 360 for 3 hours and having a laugh with your mates. You'll play the SAME title for three to nine months continuously, over and over again, not playing to win, but playing to break it...


I can finish Jungle Strike and Nigel Mansell IndyCar on the SNES with my eyes closed as a consequence of being a tester....


Hehe...I played stuntman for 6 months.... AAAAArrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

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bloody hell fell on this site while looking for Lister???? anyone heard from him at all? lost touch about 4 years ago.


Yeah...thatle be when red dwarf finished....not seen rimmer round much lately either, but I think I saw the cat taking a dump in my garden the other day......

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