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Sinusitus.. Any help?

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Decongestants, painkillers, lots of fluids, Olbas Oil steam inhalation- and only move your head slowly and carefully!


If it doesn't get any better soon go to your GPs in case it's one of the ones that need antibiotics too.

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Horrible condition- have suffered for years, aonlg with allergy to pollen, pet fur, dust, aerosols, paint...and migraine! I use prescribed Beconase nasal spray and Loratidene tablets on a daily basis, also, the Olbas Oil, which I could not do without.


NB we have a Sharp Plasmacluster Air Filter in the bedroom which is brilliant but a pity I cant move it around every room in the house (and it was too expensive to buy any more - the filters last 5 years but cost £100 to replace!) - I only seem to suffer if I'm anywhere except the room the plasmacluster is based and I have an office based job so lots of paper and other dust to contend with there.

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I have one of those filters and they are very good. I wold say try cutting out all dairy products as that can help some people. You do need to be very strick though for at least a month. NO dairy can be very hard. I guess you are sure it's not just hayfeever.

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It's horrible! I suffer from this but have really benefited from cutting out dairy, but when you're in the thick of an infection all that will help is as others have said, decongestants, menthol, lots and lots of tissues, and LOTS of water. If you're really hydrated then it will help to thin the mucus. Also eating citrus is I believe supposed to help thin mucus. When its really achey take a hot shower, I used to find that standing under a hot shower for as long as possible realllly helped. Hope you feel better soon, its really icky!

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I wold say try cutting out all dairy products as that can help some people. You do need to be very strick though for at least a month. NO dairy can be very hard. I guess you are sure it's not just hayfeever.


This worked for me too... cut out or cut back on dairy products, try soya or rice milk instead. I'd avoid non-dairy "cheese" though. It's :gag:

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