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Sinusitus.. Any help?

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Got it as well, cold been going around is pretty nasty. Basically just drink enough, stay warm. Olbas oil is supposed to be good as well.


I went to dentist with emergency toothache, was sure it was a tooth abscess. Face swollen and mega pain, he said it was this. Since then ear ache, migrane type head, and eye socket feels like someone has repeatedly kicked me int face :gag: I really need to be working, but I tried yesterday and even driving over Tinsley speed bumps at 6mph was wrecking my car and I felt like dying at the wheel, only managed 3 fares :hihi:


Drinking a lot of fluids, heating's bust, so using my portable butane fire + the electric oil one.


Got Albas oil, it's like a weakened Carvol, not quite as good. My Mum brought me round some methol crystals as recommended by Boots. No wonder they said only put a couple of crystals in the boiling water! - if any one tried these, they'll know what I mean. Blew me bleedin head off :shocked::hihi:

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I went to dentist with emergency toothache, was sure it was a tooth abscess. Face swollen and mega pain, he said it was this. Since then ear ache, migrane type head, and eye socket feels like someone has repeatedly kicked me int face :gag: I really need to be working, but I tried yesterday and even driving over Tinsley speed bumps at 6mph was wrecking my car and I felt like dying at the wheel, only managed 3 fares :hihi:


Drinking a lot of fluids, heating's bust, so using my portable butane fire + the electric oil one.


Got Albas oil, it's like a weakened Carvol, not quite as good. My Mum brought me round some methol crystals as recommended by Boots. No wonder they said only put a couple of crystals in the boiling water! - if any one tried these, they'll know what I mean. Blew me bleedin head off :shocked::hihi:


I had it as a kid without wanting to go to the doctor. When I went he said I was an idiot, prescribed some magic powder for hot water (might have been these crystals!) within days my head was pouring out horrible yellow gunk from both my nose and my throat... pretty nasty and lasted for days!

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I went to dentist with emergency toothache, was sure it was a tooth abscess. Face swollen and mega pain, he said it was this. Since then ear ache, migrane type head, and eye socket feels like someone has repeatedly kicked me int face :gag: I really need to be working, but I tried yesterday and even driving over Tinsley speed bumps at 6mph was wrecking my car and I felt like dying at the wheel, only managed 3 fares :hihi:


Drinking a lot of fluids, heating's bust, so using my portable butane fire + the electric oil one.


Got Albas oil, it's like a weakened Carvol, not quite as good. My Mum brought me round some methol crystals as recommended by Boots. No wonder they said only put a couple of crystals in the boiling water! - if any one tried these, they'll know what I mean. Blew me bleedin head off :shocked::hihi:

Yep, the first time I tried them, I put a couple of dozen crystals in...must have coughed up a pint of mucus and half a lung :hihi:

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There are 2 conditions people are talking about on this thread.

1. Chronic rhinosinusitis - this is basically an allergic condition, where you can react to pet hair , pollen, moulds (particularly on leaves in autumn), dust, perfume etc. People with this condition can often be susceptible to having viral infections like colds more often.

In this case anti-histamines and corticosteroids (beconase or pirinase) can be very effective longer term treatments.

2. Acute sinusitis (sinus infection) - This often occurs secondary to a cold or flu-like illness. Mostly these are viral infections which will last a few days. Sometimes subsequent bacterial infection can occur so you should see a doctor after 7-10 days. In this case decongestant and pain killers are most effective. Corticosteroids are not useful in this case. There is some evidence that anti-histamines might work though. Inhaling menthol or eucalyptol can be helpful (mostly in desensitising the pain receptors in the sinuses). Notably if you are in serious pain, prescription decongestants (sudafed - pseudoephidrine) contains a different active ingredient to over the counter ones (also sudafed but phenylephrine) and are more effective.

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I had it as a kid without wanting to go to the doctor. When I went he said I was an idiot, prescribed some magic powder for hot water (might have been these crystals!) within days my head was pouring out horrible yellow gunk from both my nose and my throat... pretty nasty and lasted for days!


:gag: Yes, like I say, no picnic :hihi:


Yep, the first time I tried them, I put a couple of dozen crystals in...must have coughed up a pint of mucus and half a lung :hihi:




Good grief, with a few of these things, I suspect the neighbours were probably coughing up a lung! I put 2 in first time, and even that was 1 too many! :hihi:

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There are 2 conditions people are talking about on this thread.

1. Chronic rhinosinusitis - this is basically an allergic condition, where you can react to pet hair , pollen, moulds (particularly on leaves in autumn), dust, perfume etc. People with this condition can often be susceptible to having viral infections like colds more often.

In this case anti-histamines and corticosteroids (beconase or pirinase) can be very effective longer term treatments.

2. Acute sinusitis (sinus infection) - This often occurs secondary to a cold or flu-like illness. Mostly these are viral infections which will last a few days. Sometimes subsequent bacterial infection can occur so you should see a doctor after 7-10 days. In this case decongestant and pain killers are most effective. Corticosteroids are not useful in this case. There is some evidence that anti-histamines might work though. Inhaling menthol or eucalyptol can be helpful (mostly in desensitising the pain receptors in the sinuses). Notably if you are in serious pain, prescription decongestants (sudafed - pseudoephidrine) contains a different active ingredient to over the counter ones (also sudafed but phenylephrine) and are more effective.

Thanks Pete. Both are annoying though!

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I used to suffer regularly but use Vicks sines spray every night before bed.


Also, if you are suffering and would rather not go to the faff of putting ol as oil or menthol crystals ... the latter are the best ... into a bowl. Buy one of these from Amazon.




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