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SO, Child Obesity IS "a Form of Neglect" Shame on YOU!

Should parents be blamed for childhood obesity?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. Should parents be blamed for childhood obesity?

    • Yes
    • No
    • If they looked after their kids in the 1st place this wouldn't happen
    • Don't care

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Guest Mod_Man
1) If you can get a pear for 20p good luck to you but you certainly can't from our local fruit shop.

2) The streets are a lot less safe from a vehicle point of view with parked cars blocking the view of the road and cars (and delivery lorries) travelling at very inappropiate speeds for narrow residential streets.

3)"There is no need for children to be fat, it really is as simple as that". What a clearly defined, simple, black and white world you inhabit. I have a friend with a daughter who is overweight - she gets plenty of exercise and mum is wise enough to be supplying her with healthy food. Yet still she remains overweight and no-one can work out why. She's too young to be able to buy it for herself, she has no means of hiding any extra food (and if she had it would have to be an awful lot of food) and her mother is at her wits end.


I can get a pear for 20p, CGK has proved you can get one for 12p. As for the streets, I used to play in the woods and on fields as a child. Number 3, I think you have answered your own question, if no one can work out why then doesn't that mean that there is no reason for a child to be overweight, granted there are the odd exceptions but not 90% of the obese child population.


Anyway have to go now, I'm off to get some exercise. :thumbsup:

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it never hurt anybody the odd burger!! the problem is when parents cant be bothereed to cook a decent meal every night


you really have got a problem on this thread for some reason, why dont you come clen and tell everybody about it, and why this thread is geting your back up. as everybody else agrees, beside you. are you effected by this thread in someway?

Burgers never hurt anybody? Hm....What good examples YOU lead. you talk a lot of crap. Going on about other people's parenting skills when you don't follow the healthy lifestyle either. That's very rich.


Okay, I will "come clean"...or whatever you are on about.

i think Bago is winding everybody up!! either that or Bago is on anohter planet

This comment wound me up, and I do not think that it is necessary, just because I said something that you donot agree with me on.


I really do hate the witch hunt attitude. I have said that again and again. What business is it of your how others lead their lives? That is the bottom line. To have the authorities intrude on other people's lives and wind people up so that they are even more paranoid is just truly sad, imho.


If you care to read it, not everybody is in agreement. It bodes well if you read it.

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You imply you know what (and how) I think.


Maybe you meant "You think I give kids less credit than I should"?

What? You already told us what you "think", of your assumption of other kids out there. Why should it be "should" ?

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Anything in moderation is fine, but chips are simply a junk food, regardless of how you dress it up. The shocking thing is a lot of parent DO feed their kids this rubbish 24/7 - "Honey I'm killing the kids" was a very shocking example of this.


A valid point is made about how obesity is a relatively new phenomenon. I would argue this is for two reasons


1. Kids are simply more sedentary than they use to be.


2. Fast/junk food culture in US/UK has exploded in the last 20-30 years. Read 'Fatland' or 'Fast food nation' for an excellent analysis of this.

It's all very well for this modern generation who had an education and who had the access to information to make a judgement and decision of how to bring up their child. I used to be like yourself too until I discovered that I had been lucky in life, and that it is not always a case of "what if"...


I've seen many moms and parents who are so worried about their children now. Even many people in the aid of trying to get their kid to be healthy are introducing a bad "diet" by omitting them from other nutrients too. Is this "bad" parenting?


Is it "bad parenting" that children are exposed to smoke and inhaling them?

Is it "bad parenting" that the increased rate of cancers are a modern life phenomena, that can be possibly reduced by having more fresh fruits and vegetables without pesticides?

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Burgers never hurt anybody? Hm....What good examples YOU lead. you talk a lot of crap. Going on about other people's parenting skills when you don't follow the healthy lifestyle either. That's very rich.


you have no idea what life style i lead!! ok i'll tell you, i eat what i like bugers, veg, fruit, however i lead a very active life so i can eat what the hell i like!!


Okay, I will "come clean"...or whatever you are on about.


go on then!!


This comment wound me up, and I do not think that it is necessary, just because I said something that you donot agree with me on.

you dont agree with anybody on here, your on your own


I really do hate the witch hunt attitude. I have said that again and again. What business is it of your how others lead their lives? That is the bottom line. To have the authorities intrude on other people's lives and wind people up so that they are even more paranoid is just truly sad, imho.


becuase parents are killing there kids that's why. where thinking of the poor children who are eating them selves to death becuase there parents are idle and lazy!!


If you care to read it, not everybody is in agreement. It bodes well if you read it.[/QUOTE]


i can read thank you!!1 :loopy:



........................:help: :help: :help: TAXI for BAGO

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What are you classifying as 'bad food'? Are you referring to specific items like chocolate, McDonalds and the like, or to components such as hydrogenated fat? left to my own devices, I'd probably live on chocolate and cheesecake - a bad diet. However, I don't, because due to that bad diet, I'd get fat and unhealthy. The chocolate and the cheesecake aren't inherently 'bad'.

People are fighting their corners and see bad food = junk food. Since they want to talk about "junk food". I just gave another angle at what other "junk food" is out there... If they don't know. Then why do they *assume* that other parents will know?


I'd probably argue that some cheap, high-calorie, high-fat food that's pumped full of E numbers and hydrogenated fat might be labelled 'bad', though that's more to do with their constituents. There are usually healthier, E-number free alternatives which, as treats as part of a healthy diet, won't do any harm.

I'm not going to disagree with you on that.


On a fundamental level, it's isn't the system. The system provides labelling on foods outlining the nutritional value, provides health information and campaigns (the recent lower your salt intake ads, for example) and is starting to change school foods. Besides, feeding your children fruit and veg and refraining from taking them to McDonalds more than once a month is hardly rocket science, is it?

I meant the social system. i.e. Healthcare, social workers etc... Cos people here are flapping their wings and are seeing this as a "tax" issue. :rolleyes:


If they care so much about the social system, then why are they not as vocal about the school system? Why target the parents and not the schools? Since a child has to go to school and eat what they are fed. Daily too.


No, that's nonsense. I buy pre-packaged food from M&S. I read the labels. I avoid high fat and high salt. That pre-packaged always equates to unhealthy is simply incorrect. I also buy lots of fruit and veg, drink plenty of water and exercise every day. For those of us with less than stunning cooking skills, pre-packaged food is a God send. It simply requires you to use a little common sense about what you buy.

Ah-ha... that is what you think though. Depends on what you buy, what you buy is not always "fresh". The fact that it is harder to eat fresh food in this country do say volume of how we see food as a whole.


Pre-packaged food have addictives which preserves the food itself. Many of the chemicals used to package a food item may not be listed on that ingredient label. Do people ever think of it that way too? I've lived in an environment whereby you can buy food fresh that day to cook with. At times like this, I do wish that we were more like the French.


It's funny. I have been told of horror stories of what M&S manufacturing plants are like around the Sheffield areas. It is still manufactured food items. It still go through a processing plant. Just because the image of them are marketed in a more palatable way does not remove from the fact that it came from a production line and from a factory. If people thought of ready made meals this way, then they would think twice about what they eat and consume.


As to fruits.. many fruits in the supermarkets are treated with a preservative, and how many people actually know this and are happy to consume it without knowing? There is no such thing as a "fresh" food, unless you picked it off the tree that grew it.

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People are fighting their corners and see bad food = junk food. Since they want to talk about "junk food". I just gave another angle at what other "junk food" is out there... If they don't know. Then why do they *assume* that other parents will know?



I'm not going to disagree with you on that.



I meant the social system. i.e. Healthcare, social workers etc... Cos people here are flapping their wings and are seeing this as a "tax" issue. :rolleyes:


If they care so much about the social system, then why are they not as vocal about the school system? Why target the parents and not the schools? Since a child has to go to school and eat what they are fed. Daily too.



Ah-ha... that is what you think though. Depends on what you buy, what you buy is not always "fresh". The fact that it is harder to eat fresh food in this country do say volume of how we see food as a whole.


Pre-packaged food have addictives which preserves the food itself. Many of the chemicals used to package a food item may not be listed on that ingredient label. Do people ever think of it that way too? I've lived in an environment whereby you can buy food fresh that day to cook with. At times like this, I do wish that we were more like the French.


It's funny. I have been told of horror stories of what M&S manufacturing plants are like around the Sheffield areas. It is still manufactured food items. It still go through a processing plant. Just because the image of them are marketed in a more palatable way does not remove from the fact that it came from a production line and from a factory. If people thought of ready made meals this way, then they would think twice about what they eat and consume.


As to fruits.. many fruits in the supermarkets are treated with a preservative, and how many people actually know this and are happy to consume it without knowing? There is no such thing as a "fresh" food, unless you picked it off the tree that grew it.


Is this a thinly veiled way of saying let the child eat pie?


I would rather my child (if it came to it) had an M&S ready meal and a piece of fruit, than a box of microchips and a can of coke.


THAT is the point surely.

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This from someone who has nearly 6000 posts on a debating forum?

Yes. Your point is?


I don't see many moms posting on this thread. Why is that?? Hm...

You said something which a friend of mine once said and I find that really narrow-minded of him. If you understand how hard it can be to raise up a child, then maybe you won't criticise someone on how they do it.


For the record, I am not a parent myself, but I do have a nephew, and seeing how hard it is to educate a child in every aspect of their lives is definitely not easy. Just because some kids turn out okay did not mean that their parents followed a specific method to parent. Most just follow their guts instincts and wish their child well. To criticise loving parents is just a tad too much imho.


It is like implying that the social service should intervene on how parents feed their kids, just because of overfeeding or feeding the wrong type of food is "child abuse". How ridiculous does that sound?

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Yes. Your point is?


I don't see many moms posting on this thread. Why is that?? Hm...

You said something which a friend of mine once said and I find that really narrow-minded of him. If you understand how hard it can be to raise up a child, then maybe you won't criticise someone on how they do it.


For the record, I am not a parent myself, but I do have a nephew, and seeing how hard it is to educate a child in every aspect of their lives is definitely not easy. Just because some kids turn out okay did not mean that their parents followed a specific method to parent. Most just follow their guts instincts and wish their child well. To criticise loving parents is just a tad too much imho.


It is like implying that the social service should intervene on how parents feed their kids, just because of overfeeding or feeding the wrong type of food is "child abuse". How ridiculous does that sound?


In my opinion if it helps the child it doesn't matter how it makes the parent feel

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