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SO, Child Obesity IS "a Form of Neglect" Shame on YOU!

Should parents be blamed for childhood obesity?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. Should parents be blamed for childhood obesity?

    • Yes
    • No
    • If they looked after their kids in the 1st place this wouldn't happen
    • Don't care

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The most important thin Bago is that a child has a healthy balsnced diet. Whether that is meat eating, vegetarian, vegan or what ever els is not the issue.


Parents who insist their child will only eat one food are missing the point, it is they that buys, cooks and presents the food. The power is theirs.


If I send my son to Tesco's tomorrow, he will come back with bags full of frozen pizzas, hotdogs, chocolate and crisps.


Since I am responsible for his health I will do the shopping myself, and if he doesn't like it, he will lump it I'm afraid, I don't just collapse and say "oh alright scoopykins, here have a diet full of crap instead if thats what you prefer."


In much the same way, Scoop jr would like nothing better to watch Cbeebies all day on a day like today. Bugger that, he was out with me first thing taking the labrador for a brisk hours walk. I'm the boss we do what I say, not what he says.

Why do you presume that is what the child had though?


My bro tries to feed my nephew a more balanced diet, and the truth of the matter is that he hates vegetables. I try to hide it from his food, and maybe blend it into a sauce or something. Apart from getting angst at the child not playing ball and is neglecting their own health, what can you do? I was brought up on the idea of a dish from each food group. That's how I was taught, and my mom cooked fresh too. He is as thin as a stick, and I do not think that he is getting all the nutrition that he needs as a kid.


I remember being picky with my food too as a child, and relied on noodles because of the taste, for a few years when I lived abroad. The truth is that, children do have a certain association to food and how they see it. I can't remember how they learnt this now. Counteracting this stereotype in their mind is hard. Being a full-time mom who cooks fresh everyday and count the calories and amount put on a child's plate is in itself a full time job.


This is what I mean by others should not judge. Cos it is not always a case of obesities, if anything everyone has neglected their child in some extents. I do not know why so many people are so vocal on such issues in this day and age. I do wonder whether issues such as the Madeline case has heightened people's awareness of their parenthood, or just parenthood overall.

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Nope. If you see the type of posts which I reply to. I don't go and moan at people about how they lead their lives. I dispute ideas put forward by others. I thought that this is a discussion?


You say tomato, I say tomato.


Presumably when you were warned by the mods for calling mikey10 an 'idiot' because of his views on race, this was merely another 'discussion'.


You are just like the rest of us Bago - you have strong views on things and you choose to air them publicly.

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I think you are overlooking the comment Scoop originally made.


You said no mums had posted, then one did.


You ignored it 'cause it didn't back up your argument.


You're now trying to gloss over the fact that the only (currently identified) mother to post on this thread totally disagrees with your opinion.


Why are you now not "taking her to task" like you have done with others on this thread?

I said, it would be good if moms stood up and make their views be known too. Would they also jump on the bandwagon and also agree with the point that it is "shame on the parent" and it is a form of "neglect" on them? THAT was my point.


I don't care less what other feed their child tbh with you. They have a right to their lifestyles, whether I like it or not. I hate the vigilante group of making parents feel bad about themselves.


Am I in an argument here? Surely, everyone should follow the very first post that was made here. After reading everybody's comments... I want to made this be known. I had not at any one point endorse that parents should feed their child on junk food day in, day out. Just because I have not said something does not mean that I endorse what others think I am implying here!


If this is what everybody is getting so heated up about...

I do not understand the witchhunt, and then someone abusing me over it like that. Blade!

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theres a lot of talk about childrens diet, well i have to say equally it is down to lack of excercise.


im the mother of a VERY energetic 4 year old, i love to see her playing in the garden and taking her to parks to run around and ride her bike.

i just cant understand why anyone would have children and then leave them to be antisocial and inactive playing on a computer console all evening. just doesnt make sense to me. my daughter makes me so proud, shes very social enjoys being adventurous and above all a very healthy little girl not only in body but in mind.


in all honesty is it just a coincidence that when these computer consoles became so popular the scale of child obesity became rediculously high?

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You say tomato, I say tomato.


Presumably when you were warned by the mods for calling mikey10 an 'idiot' because of his views on race, this was merely another 'discussion'.


You are just like the rest of us Bago - you have strong views on things and you choose to air them publicly.

Ok, trolling time, is it?


His actions were prejudicing against others. Again, "through the system" too. Blame others.


On this thread, I see a clear line between what is considered as a social problem and it is up for grabs on something that should be private and not be a social problem. Again, people are using the social welfare system and to push this through. Blame others.


If somebody told you how to lead your life, do you like it? No? Same thing. Are you telling me that you like others dictating how you lead your life? Even if your intention for your child was all well and good too?


If someone said that to me, I would be pretty upset. Never mind whether I am neglecting my child or not to a bystanders' eyes.


Are we truly a nation who likes blaming others?

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if anything everyone has neglected their child in some extents. I do not know why so many people are so vocal on such issues in this day and age. I do wonder whether issues such as the Madeline case has heightened people's awareness of their parenthood, or just parenthood overall.


Those of us who are responsible parents, (and I suspect the majority of posting parents on here fall in to the responsible category) have always been "vocal" about issues pertaining to the well-being of our children. To suggest that this has come about due to the publicity surrounding the disappearance of a child, is quite possibly, the most ridiculous comment I have ever read on here.

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Those of us who are responsible parents, (and I suspect the majority of posting parents on here fall in to the responsible category) have always been "vocal" about issues pertaining to the well-being of our children. To suggest that this has come about due to the publicity surrounding the disappearance of a child, is quite possibly, the most ridiculous comment I have ever read on here.

That's your opinion. I am entitled to mine.


To me, I am thinking, why are people concentrating on issues like child obesities but not make a big fuss about the standard of school dinners, when their child are served junk food. It does not make sense.

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I don't care less what other feed their child tbh with you. They have a right to their lifestyles, whether I like it or not. I hate the vigilante group of making parents feel bad about themselves.


Which vigilante group is this? I haven't seen any evidence of people taking the law into their own hands and tackling these parents. Also as I said before this is about the welfare of children not the feelings of parents.

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