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SO, Child Obesity IS "a Form of Neglect" Shame on YOU!

Should parents be blamed for childhood obesity?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. Should parents be blamed for childhood obesity?

    • Yes
    • No
    • If they looked after their kids in the 1st place this wouldn't happen
    • Don't care

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I have some sympathy for Bago's views (which I wanted to express earlier but got lost in my sheer frustration at some of the less well articulated posts) in that I think the food industry is incredibly powerful and skillful at marketing junk food as normal (or even healthy sometimes!) and this is then fed to kids. I do think this makes it harder for parents to ensure their kids get a healthy diet but, ultimately, the responsibility to set boundaries for their children's behaviour is down to them. After all we're not talking about kids that are a bit chubby here from a few to many sweets, we are discussing clinical obesity which tends to indicate sustained poor diet.

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On the radio today someone said that the calorific intake for children during the 1920's was higher than today and obesity wasn't a problem suggesting that it's the lack of exercise that causes it and not the amount of nosh that they scoff.


Suprised me anyway.

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I think the problem might be that you imply things, and then wish you hadn't.

Either that or you don't quite understand what you are saying sometimes.

What the heck is this?


You ought to know better than that Cyclone. So I typed a word or two wrongly cos there are so many threads splitting off in different directions and some comments are being thrown at me at the same time. Others are harrassing me to say that I am not addressing their points as per usual cos that is considered as "rude". So I reply to that, and only to get misquoted out of context as per usual.


I find some comments which got very personal rude too. As per usual. Yet, have they considered what is being said, rather than jump to assumptions? Just because I did not take on their implied meaning.


Is it truly myself that do not understand or are people are really making a lot of assumptions on what is to be understood as a socially accepted decision?


I certainly do not think that overfeeding a child is neglect and should be criminalised for it, and prosecuted as many have proposed.


For the record, chips are not as unhealthy as many people understand it as because freshly cut potatoes are much more healthier than manufactured McCann full of starch powder. Other people presume that obese children's diets are based on that alone. Really? Have they met the mother?

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On the radio today someone said that the calorific intake for children during the 1920's was higher than today and obesity wasn't a problem suggesting that it's the lack of exercise that causes it and not the amount of nosh that they scoff.


Suprised me anyway.


That is an interesting one, upholder. Not sure where those extra 1920's calories would come from, but as you suggest, children in those days would have had less sedentary lifestyles - the vast majority would have walked to school for example and probably spent a great deal more time engaged in outdoor play than their modern counterparts.

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Is this a thinly veiled way of saying let the child eat pie?


I would rather my child (if it came to it) had an M&S ready meal and a piece of fruit, than a box of microchips and a can of coke.


THAT is the point surely.


Well that's great for you mike - and typifies your contributions to this thread -simplistic to the core, totally devoid of social and economic awareness. Do you know how many Sheffield families can afford M&S ready meals and a fresh piece of fruit (presumably also bought from M&S?). I find this post to be grossly insensitive and I think the majority of parents in Sheffield will get a sick feeling in their stomachs when they read your posts.


Mike, if you get the chance to get a temporary glimpse of the stark reality that being a parent means for many in Sheffield, take it, please, and do a lot of people on here a favour.


I find the recent response to childhood obesity sadly typical. It would be easy for the government to point the finger at parents when children reach a certain BMI but let's face it the work needs putting in MILES before a problem reaches that stage, with preventative health, social and economic support and education for the families concerned. You don't see many middle class overweight kids, do you? Has it ever occcured to you that there might be a link between childhood obesity and socio-economic status of families?


It's ironic that the school meals system is still failing kids, the one single thing that the government controls that could really make a difference. They can't get it right with all the resources they have at their disposal, so what chance do many parents have?


Your finger-pointing is unhelpful, and as for your fascist comments on this thread regarding who should be allowed to reproduce, I'm only glad that you are not in a position of power, or it appears, unless we have the Mercedes People Carrier, an account at M&S, and a lifetime membership to the Hallam Tennis Club, we'd have no chance of becoming parents.

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Well that's great for you mike - and typifies your contributions to this thread -simplistic to the core, totally devoid of social and economic awareness. Do you know how many Sheffield families can afford M&S ready meals and a fresh piece of fruit (presumably also bought from M&S?). I find this post to be grossly insensitive and I think the majority of parents in Sheffield will get a sick feeling in their stomachs when they read your posts.


Mike, if you get the chance to get a temporary glimpse of the stark reality that being a parent means for many in Sheffield, take it, please, and do a lot of people on here a favour.


I find the recent response to childhood obesity sadly typical. It would be easy for the government to point the finger at parents when children reach a certain BMI but let's face it the work needs putting in MILES before a problem reaches that stage, with preventative health, social and economic support and education for the families concerned. You don't see many middle class overweight kids, do you? Has it ever occcured to you that there might be a link between childhood obesity and socio-economic status of families?


It's ironic that the school meals system is still failing kids, the one single thing that the government controls that could really make a difference. They can't get it right with all the resources they have at their disposal, so what chance do many parents have?


Your finger-pointing is unhelpful, and as for your fascist comments on this thread regarding who should be allowed to reproduce, I'm only glad that you are not in a position of power, or it appears, unless we have the Mercedes People Carrier, an account at M&S, and a lifetime membership to the Hallam Tennis Club, we'd have no chance of becoming parents.


I always like a laugh when I get in from football.


Firstly, you have taken my posts grossly out of context, and secondly, yes I am fully aware of the social economic factors that create health inequalities, haivng studied it in part at post graduate level. However, as the old saying goes, ignorance may explain ones faults, but it doesn't excuse them. Frankly, I find your knee-jerk reaction to my comments laughable. Perhaps you could re read the entire thread and actually study the context of what is being said?


Islington pantomime society are looking for a drama queen for their latest prouduction. Perhaps you could apply?

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I always like a laugh when I get in from football.


Firstly, you have taken my posts grossly out of context, and secondly, yes I am fully aware of the social economic factors that create health inequalities, haivng studied it in part at post graduate level. However, as the old saying goes, ignorance may explain ones faults, but it doesn't excuse them. Frankly, I find your knee-jerk reaction to my comments laughable. Perhaps you could re read the entire thread and actually study the context of what is being said?


Islington pantomime society are looking for a drama queen for their latest prouduction. Perhaps you could apply?


In this case, it would appear your extensive education has failed you.


When intelligent argument escapes you, please feel free to keep rolling out the personal insults.


As a Sheffield resident, Islington pantomine society is of little relevance to the world I live in, along with the rest of your posts.

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Guest Mod_Man
Isn't it due to stuffing chocolate bar's in their face to shut them up because that's easier to do, offering a bag o crisps for lunch / no fruit etc etc.....


No exercise

TV in excess


Bumping school PE


Just my perception


And a damn fine perception it is too Minesadouble. :D

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In this case, it would appear your extensive education has failed you.


When intelligent argument escapes you, please feel free to keep rolling out the personal insults.


As a Sheffield resident, Islington pantomine society is of little relevance to the world I live in, along with the rest of your posts.


I would suggest your initial post aimed at me was highly insulting, so dont play that trump card. And what intelligent argument have you put forward exactly?


Cynically taking someone's posts out of context to create some form of self pity city class warfare argument isn't showing a scrap of intelligence to me - it simply shows a strand of left wing bitterness.


Anyway, if my posts are of little relevance to your world, they wont bother you will they?


I shall therefore bid you and your world goodnight.

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