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SO, Child Obesity IS "a Form of Neglect" Shame on YOU!

Should parents be blamed for childhood obesity?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. Should parents be blamed for childhood obesity?

    • Yes
    • No
    • If they looked after their kids in the 1st place this wouldn't happen
    • Don't care

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:confused: That's classic.

Isn't rewarding junk food means that kids will see it as rewards and wants more of it when they reach adulthood, cos the association is there from when young?


it never hurt anybody the odd burger!! the problem is when parents cant be bothereed to cook a decent meal every night


you really have got a problem on this thread for some reason, why dont you come clen and tell everybody about it, and why this thread is geting your back up. as everybody else agrees, beside you. are you effected by this thread in someway?

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Sorry, when has this become personal?


I think you give kids less credit than you think.


You imply you know what (and how) I think.


Maybe you meant "You think I give kids less credit than I should"?

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genetics aside, there are reasons for people overeating which have little to do with bad parenting.

if this wasn't true Paul Mckenna wouldn't have mad a forune out of his books and tv appearances.

the desire for unhealthy or volume of foods are driven by chemical and mental associations - not always 'cos your parents force fed you.

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2) If the person cannot even understand the difference between fresh chips and manufactured chips, then why is he going on about how crap parents are??


The irony.


Anything in moderation is fine, but chips are simply a junk food, regardless of how you dress it up. The shocking thing is a lot of parent DO feed their kids this rubbish 24/7 - "Honey I'm killing the kids" was a very shocking example of this.


A valid point is made about how obesity is a relatively new phenomenon. I would argue this is for two reasons


1. Kids are simply more sedentary than they use to be.


2. Fast/junk food culture in US/UK has exploded in the last 20-30 years. Read 'Fatland' or 'Fast food nation' for an excellent analysis of this.

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That's not what you said:(


You said "There is indeed nothing wrong with a child living off carbohydrates." which reads "feeding a child on a diet of only carbohydrates is not a bad thing".

No, if I said that a child should just eat *only* a diet of carbohydrate, then I would've written it as that?


I said there is nothing wrong with living off carbo. Cos that is indeed a main part of the food triangle, I believe... I have not discredited the other factors either.


You never mentioned anything about suppliments.

No. Did I needed to?

I have already mentioned the food triangle, and the importance of it. Did you notice that too?


People just think "chips" and screams OMG... just how many calories and how it is made is also important too. Why do everyone presume it is junk food, and it is manufactured chips?

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Guest Mod_Man
Ooooh, *now* you are changing your tune and say that it is not junk food, but bad "diets"?? Hm... There is such a thing as bad food.


Am I changing my tune? If I just lived on oranges alone for a year that would be classed as a bad diet, if I just lived on Big Macs for a year, that too would be a bad diet. If I mixed my food and got a fair amount of the food groups in moderation, that would be considered a better diet.


I shall make it clear, my opinion is, most ( and I use the term most as in meaning just about all of them) fat kids are fat because of their parents.

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:confused: That's classic.

Isn't rewarding junk food means that kids will see it as rewards and wants more of it when they reach adulthood, cos the association is there from when young?


Not really, they will see it as a treat, something for an occasion rather than the norm.


Why would having something occasionally as a treat when you're a child make you eat it more often as an adult:confused:


I had my first taste of fast food when I was 13 for a treat on my birthday because thats what all my mates did. I hated it, it tasted chemical and wrong because I'd alway's had fresh home cooked food.

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Am I changing my tune? If I just lived on oranges alone for a year that would be classed as a bad diet, if I just lived on Big Macs for a year, that too would be a bad diet. If I mixed my food and got a fair amount of the food groups in moderation, that would be considered a better diet.


I shall make it clear, my opinion is, most ( and I use the term most as in meaning just about all of them) fat kids are fat because of their parents.




I would also make it clear that it is easier for the parent of a fat or obese child to try and blame someone or something else.

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Ooooh, *now* you are changing your tune and say that it is not junk food, but bad "diets"?? Hm... There is such a thing as bad food.

What are you classifying as 'bad food'? Are you referring to specific items like chocolate, McDonalds and the like, or to components such as hydrogenated fat? left to my own devices, I'd probably live on chocolate and cheesecake - a bad diet. However, I don't, because due to that bad diet, I'd get fat and unhealthy. The chocolate and the cheesecake aren't inherently 'bad'.


I'd probably argue that some cheap, high-calorie, high-fat food that's pumped full of E numbers and hydrogenated fat might be labelled 'bad', though that's more to do with their constituents. There are usually healthier, E-number free alternatives which, as treats as part of a healthy diet, won't do any harm.

...Since so many are so against at the parents, then why blame the parents and not blame the system. Cos you can change the system, and not change the parents! Leave the parents alone, and stop criticising them.

On a fundamental level, it's isn't the system. The system provides labelling on foods outlining the nutritional value, provides health information and campaigns (the recent lower your salt intake ads, for example) and is starting to change school foods. Besides, feeding your children fruit and veg and refraining from taking them to McDonalds more than once a month is hardly rocket science, is it?

...For others who actually live on junk food also, and buys high quality manufactured food like sandwiches from M&S or even their ready made meals are just hypocritical, or is blind to the knowledge of what is healthy food.

No, that's nonsense. I buy pre-packaged food from M&S. I read the labels. I avoid high fat and high salt. That pre-packaged always equates to unhealthy is simply incorrect. I also buy lots of fruit and veg, drink plenty of water and exercise every day. For those of us with less than stunning cooking skills, pre-packaged food is a God send. It simply requires you to use a little common sense about what you buy.

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