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Story: 'The Emergency Social Worker - After Dark' By Redrobbo.

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From Redrobbo:


"In your city or town tonight, someone will be in distress and in need of

help after dark. The call for help or assistance is often answered by the

emergency social worker.


This is a true account from my Social Worker's Journal. Only the names have been changed.


Readers are advised that this story contains distressing material."


The emergency social worker - After dark.

- By Redrobbo

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This is the best account I have every read on SF. If any Writers Group Members have not read a story yet on this section I beg them to read this. Its not pleasant but its true. While we sleep, the Emergency Social Workers carry out their work, and its almost unbelievable what they have to do.

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This is the best account I have every read on SF. If any Writers Group Members have not read a story yet on this section I beg them to read this. Its not pleasant but its true. While we sleep, the Emergency Social Workers carry out their work, and its almost unbelievable what they have to do.


Thank you pattricia.


Baby Alan (not his real name) died in the early hours of a Monday morning.

Tragically, he was the third baby to die over that same weekend. Events such as these scar your memory for evermore.

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Thank you pattricia.


Baby Alan (not his real name) died in the early hours of a Monday morning.

Tragically, he was the third baby to die over that same weekend. Events such as these scar your memory for evermore.


Robbo, I dont know how you could do the job.My job as a nurse was bad enough, but nothing like this. The story is almost beyond belief, and Ive never stopped thinking about it. Its actually like a nightmare.I like the way you explain "how it can happen" (a baby crying endlessly) but weve all been through that, and the difference is ,most people know where to "draw the line".I have always believed that everyone with children should have " parenting lessons" as lots of parents are immature, and have had bad childhoods themselves. You must be a very interesting person to talk to regarding your experiences.

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I translate for a psychologist who works with mothers suffering from postnatal depression. The last paper I worked on was about mothers who kill their babies. I made myself keep detached from it by concentrating on the vocabulary and sentence structure. Or tried to.


Your writing certainly brings home what it's like to be at the sharp end, Redrobbo, and I can't imagine how you all even begin to cope with something like that.

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I translate for a psychologist who works with mothers suffering from postnatal depression. The last paper I worked on was about mothers who kill their babies. I made myself keep detached from it by concentrating on the vocabulary and sentence structure. Or tried to.


Your writing certainly brings home what it's like to be at the sharp end, Redrobbo, and I can't imagine how you all even begin to cope with something like that.


Of course Postnatal Depression. That also accounts for some murders surely ?

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Of course Postnatal Depression. That also accounts for some murders surely ?


Post-natal depression can occur at any time after the birth of a baby. Puerperal depression is a severe form of post-natal depression, occuring within about six weeks of the birth of a baby. Although relatively rare, it gives rise to concern over the state of mind of the mother. Suicidal thoughts and loss of interest in the new born baby are common symptoms in a puerperal depression.


The incidents of mothers killing their babies whilst suffering from post-natal depression are infrequent, though not unknown. Mothers suffering from post natal depression are monitored quite closely, in order to minimise risks of harm to self and/or baby.


A case of a mother killing her newborn baby was reported in the national newspapers a few weeks ago though.


Most cases of newborn babies being killed by their mother (or father), are as a result of immature parents having unrealistic expectations of infant behaviour and losing control, e.g., due to baby constantly crying.

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Post-natal depression can occur at any time after the birth of a baby. Puerperal depression is a severe form of post-natal depression, occuring within about six weeks of the birth of a baby. Although relatively rare, it gives rise to concern over the state of mind of the mother. Suicidal thoughts and loss of interest in the new born baby are common symptoms in a puerperal depression.


The incidents of mothers killing their babies whilst suffering from post-natal depression are infrequent, though not unknown. Mothers suffering from post natal depression are monitored quite closely, in order to minimise risks of harm to self and/or baby.


A case of a mother killing her newborn baby was reported in the national newspapers a few weeks ago though.


Most cases of newborn babies being killed by their mother (or father), are as a result of immature parents having unrealistic expectations of infant behaviour and losing control, e.g., due to baby constantly crying.


Doesnt that just sum it up exactly in your last paragraph.I do wish you would write some more of these true accounts as Ive never stopped thinking about it since.

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Doesnt that just sum it up exactly in your last paragraph.I do wish you would write some more of these true accounts as Ive never stopped thinking about it since.


I've just emailed Mantaspook with my latest in the series of the Social Worker's Journal. Keep your eye open for: A Case of Mistaken Identity! This next story is light hearted, and pokes fun at myself.

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Nice one Red.

One of your best I think, it’s just a pity it’s a true story.

I know these things happen all the time and most of the public are unaware of what people like you have to go through, I for one commend you.

You probably get a lot of negative comments from the naive public (Bloody Social Workers, why do they have to stick their nose in) but if they only knew what went off out there, and what lives you save.

Back to your writing, it was nicely written, you put plenty of feeling into it, and plenty of feeling was passed to the reader.

Excellent job.

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