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Flat tyre...what would you do?

you have a flat tyre what would you do ?  

101 members have voted

  1. 1. you have a flat tyre what would you do ?

    • get it sorted yourself im not frightened of a bit of muck
    • immeadiatly reach for the mobile phone and get help
    • sit sobbing by the side of the road and hope someone takes pity

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I saw a young girl on the M1 recently in her gladrags, on her own with her car jacked up and changing a wheel herself.


I know it's appallingly sexist but it was an unusual thing to see and I was most impressed.


You may have been impressed but I would have to think twice before changing a wheel on the motorway.

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The other day i made my daily pilgrimage to hackenthorpe to pick our lass up from her days toil (to provide me with beer tokens of course) upon arriving there was a large crowd of girlies all gathered round a little vauxhall nova (you know who you are :hihi:) I managed to fight my way through the crowd to find some poor bloke on the floor getting wet and filthy trying to jack the car up to change a wheel over as the one on the car was flat, i asked him if he needed any help as i had a large rubber mat in the boot so he didnt have to kneel down on the sodden floor, he gratefully took the loan of the mat and we got chatting. its "anonymous's" car isnt it ? i asked, yeah it bloody well is! came the reply, so why isnt she changing the wheel ? i asked, doesnt know how to, the silly moo!, plus she has a soft nick for a boyfriend !!!!!

The girl who owns the car had to admit that she hadnt got a jar of glue how to change a wheel on the car and had previously even called the AA out to a previous flat tyre:huh: In my opinion everyone that takes a driving test should know the basics before being allowed to drive, you know things like where to put water in for the engine and the washers, checking the oil level and how to top it up (and not by pouring oil via a small funnel into the dipstick hole), and the most basic of all HOW TO CHANGE A WHEEL !!!:huh: so come on folks what would you do if you got a flat tyre ? get on with it or pass the buck ???


It makes me wonder if a number of people knows how a car works? made me laugh when I read this as I thought I wonder how they would do changing a Bus Wheel:D

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I had a flat on my old Peugeot 205 that I had about 10 years ago.

When I got out the little wheel brace that was supplied with the car, I found that I couldn't budge the nuts at all. It was a good job I discovered the flat in my garage rather than on the road. In the end I had to pop down to Halfords and get a longer wheel brace for better leverage.

I've often wonder just how would ladies cope when changing a tyre, because let's face it, car manufacturer don't exactly make it easy!

Supplying a decent wheel brace might help for a start!

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I've changed the wheels several times when I had a car and got a puncture. So, when my partner nobikejohn suffered his first ever puncture, it seemed the easiest thing to do was show him how to change the wheel.

That's when the nightmare began! :rolleyes:


I jacked up the car, only to discover some odd looking nuts. Apparently, the design of these nuts is to deter thieves, and they require a special tool to remove them. Despite emptying the boot, we couldn't find it!


Hmm, no worry, nobikejohn was a member of the AA, so surely they could assist? The glove box revealed his membership details, and the emergency phone number. But neither of us had a mobile phone with us. Fortunately, we were on the edge of a small rural village in north Nottinghamshire - and there just had to be a village telephone box somewhere... surely?


Accompanied by my daughter, we set off to find the telephone box. We reached the outskirts of the village - but no luck. A passing horse rider informed us that the phone box was actually at the other end of the main road. When we eventually reached it, I discovered it had been vandalised! :rant:


Hmm, now what to do? Easy - we'll knock on someone's door and ask to use their phone. Eventually, we found a family at home, enjoying a Saturday afternoon barbecue. Most obliging they were. Have a sausage sandwich whilst you're here. Very kind. Thank you very much. Very tasty. Have some cake as well, and a glass of orange. Very nice. How thoughtful. But now I'll just get round to ringing the AA if I may. The AA lady was also very nice and extremely polite - when she informed me that nobikejohn's membership had expired more than two years ago! :roll:


She was very happy to renew the membership, but would have to charge a separate call-out fee for a non-member. Hmm... I'll have to go and fetch nobikejohn and ring the AA back later. No problem, said the very kind village people - they'll also put some more bangers onto cook for nobikejohn.


We walked back into the village, only to discover that nobikejohn and the car were nowhere to be seen! :suspect:


So, we sat by the village duck pond and waited. Eventually, nobikejohn appeared in his car! Some passing local farmers en route to the vilage pub had seen his jacked-up car, and one of them nipped back to the farmhouse to collect some implement, and - with the assistance of the darts team from the pub - they'd changed the tyre for him! How very kind and helpful! How thoughtful of nobikejohn to offer to buy them all a drink - which they accepted. What a pity that nobikejohn had no cash on him though! :rolleyes:


Decisions, decisions! First we had to return to the barbecue, to enjoy more bangers in baps, cake and orange. Then over to the village pub to buy a round for the mechanics who'd changed the tyre. All in all, a most enjoyable occasion. But.... nobikejohn still hasn't learned how to change a puncture - but he has though remembered to renew his AA membership..... just in case! :)

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Mrs Surfin goes for the "turn up stereo and drive faster" approach.


Funnily enough this was what she did this evening and the "harmless looking BIG nail" has now set us back £41 rather than £10 for a puncture repair!


Nice work Mrs Surfin:roll:



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  • 3 years later...
i have to say (blushes) I wouldn;t want to change my own tyre - I know, technically how its done (never actually done it though) but I wouldn't trust myself to do it correctly. I pay RAC - so I'd ring them and get them to do it - its what I pay em for - plus my vehicle is a camper (not a typical car) so I wouldn't want to risk it crashing down on my hands with a dodgy jack.



Exactly what I think!:hihi:

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Why pay for insurance and then do the repairs yourself?


I have breakdown cover so why should I do the job myself and ruin my clothes and nails? My car has a spacesaver spare and the normal tyres won't fit in the boot anyhow. On the one occassion that I've called out Green Flag the nice man dropped off my big tyre at a garage to be rapaired.

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