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As A Kid Growing Up In Sheffield What Did You Do To Earn Extra Money ???

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In the late 1950s I did what most kids did ie. a paper round, I did the usual mornings and evenings, then the green un Saturdays followed by Sundays plus if someone didn,t turn up I would do 2 rounds on Sundays.

On Saturdays i would deliver groceries on my "trolly" for Hemmings shop on Wadsley lane, apart from being paid i also got tips off the posh ladies around Langsett Avenue. 2 nights a week I helped at a butchers shop on Penistone rd in making sausages. On match days I helped run a cigs and sweet stall outside Sheila,s cafe next to SWFC.

You can imagine my shock when i turned 15 years old and started working properly. My first wage was £2..1..11d and i had been getting over £8 before.

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as i mentioned once befor,stealing flowers fm the graves & selling them out front was always good for a few bob i know i sold the same big bunch of chris's 3times but everthing in war time was a little different &having run off from F.C.H just needed to eat

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I worked for the greengrocer just round the corner from Forster Road.I used to go out with him onto the estates in a big van & I would hang out of the door ringing a bell & shout come & get your tates.It was great.

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In the mid thirties,at age 13,I was a nights and Saturday lad at the S & E

Co-op Vincent Rd. From school finishing, to 6 o'lock 3 days,8 o'clock Friday,

and all day Saturday 8.30 to 7 pm,and all for 3s.6d (18p). Deliveries were made by barrow. A few small tips,but not very many. Adult unemployment was rife in those days.

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as kids we used to recycle some of the pop bottles from the Tizer factory yard and take them to the local shops for the returns money.


Happy days!


I like the word "recycle" is that posh for nicking? I used to do the same thing in the Tizer yard

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as kids we used to recycle some of the pop bottles from the Tizer factory yard and take them to the local shops for the returns money.


Happy days!


Tizer, Pickup's Dandelion & Burdock, Ju-soda, it mattered not which, a 3d deposit to be had on all and we used to take them back to the beer-off on John Street when Yorkshire were playing at Bramall Lane. It wasn't a case of nicking, they were just discarded by shift-workers who were going on to 'afternoons' having been to The Lane for the morning session.

At the close of play, we earned 2/6d for collecting the red and green cushions for that Watford company that leased them.

In 1960, I also earned 2/6d a match for being a ball-boy at Hillsborough when the old North Stand had been demolished prior to the cantilever being built. Money with sport, what a life!

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I used to have a morning paper round from Alan and Johns newsagents at the Foster and delivered to the bottom of High Green and Burncross. I also had a Star round from GT News at Burncross. Shortly after i quit Alan and Johns as i got a morning round from GT which was nearer. I then took on a sunday round from GT News which soon became about 3 rounds. Add in to it a Rotherham Record delivery round which after 3 weeks became Rotherham Record delivering me 300 hundred newspapers with leaflets which ended up getting fly-tipped on Charlton Brook, which lasted all of 6 months. Also did a Candis round as well which was profitable.


All in all i used to earn about £30 a week

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