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As A Kid Growing Up In Sheffield What Did You Do To Earn Extra Money ???

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Cant really compete with holymoses - priceless :hihi:




Every Whisuntide - knocking on every door in the street to show off my new suit

Every Christmas Eve - Singing carols (I can't sing) with my cousin around Heeley Green

November - Penny for the guy then spent it all on fireworks

Late 50's - Lookout for the Pitch and Toss outside the Magnet at Southey Green

Also made tidy sums on recycling empty pop bottles from the back of the sweet shop to the front and collecting the 3p deposit.

Then an honest job delivering "The Star" on Swanbourne Road/ Masters Road

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We used to do that too! I presume you're talking about the Tizer factory at the corner of Beulah and Penistone Roads?


Another thing we used to do was "save" cars for people on Sheffield Wednesday home games. Living so close to the Theatre of the Gods, people used to park outside our house on Lofthouse, and we would look after their cars til after the match....well that was the theory anyway. Most times we'd move onto the next victim as soon as they were out of sight. Usually got about 2/- a car though.


My other main money making job was being in the choir at St John's at Owlerton.....this was a real earner getting 3/- a wedding and 5/- each month. Some Saturdays, we could do about five weddings! We also did the odd funeral mid week which meant time off school as well as another 3/-.


Later on I worked as a van lad at Newbould's bakery on a Saturday starting at about £2:00 for the day. This was better if you got a short round, as you'd be home for dinner time, but if you got Hope Valley, Barnsley or Chesterfield, you wouldn't be back til 5ish and after starting work at 7am it was a bloody long day for £2. I know what my kids would say if I suggested that they work 10 hours for £2!!!


Did you by any chance know terry/tony turton they were in the choir then?

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first Saturday job, as such, was at Nirmal's (of West Street, megga restaurant) corner shop on Mulehouse Road, Crookes. I used to help her and OH unload from cash & carry and generally tidy that little shop, sorting any bad fruit etc. I got paid in goods, 2oz sweets or something!! LOL


We called it "The Indian Shop" and I loved being there, Nirmal has always been an amazing cook and ran cookery lessons in her kitchen through the back of shop and the smell that filled the shop was out of this world, homely, spicey..mmmmmm fantastic foods.


I got all nostalgic for a mo. !!!:)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Circa 1953 when I had just started as an apprentice at Owlerton Green Garage, Frank Verie (Think that was his name, Manager of The Sheffield Tigers) asked me to wash his Austin Atlantic and he gave me 10 Shillings, Thought I had died and gone heaven. Still have a Ten Bob note (under glass) but its not that one

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Circa 1953 when I had just started as an apprentice at Owlerton Green Garage, Frank Verie (Think that was his name, Manager of The Sheffield Tigers) asked me to wash his Austin Atlantic and he gave me 10 Shillings, Thought I had died and gone heaven. Still have a Ten Bob note (under glass) but its not that one

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Like most kids in the 50's I used to take the milk and pop bottles back, run errands, babysit, carol singing on Christmas Eve, we always knew the good payers, sit out side the Fox House pub on Shirland Lane and the Staniforth Arms on Staniforth Road on the lead up to Bonfire night. Did a paper round when we moved to Middlewood, I had the Langsette Ave round, I now drive up that hill and think how fit I must have been!

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Just after the war I used to deliver Xmas mail. I sorted & put in the bag post for the area around Masters Rd. The sorting office was at Firth Park. There was one house, no one in during the morning, who had a very noisy aggresive dog, I had to laugh , as I put the mail through the letter flap I could hear the dog tearing it to pieces.

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In the late 60s when I was a 5-6 year old, me & dad had walk in Norfolk Park & collect conkers by the bagful ... take em home & kids up the road would come down & buy em. Made quite a few pennies ..fortune for a young-un.

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I used to deliver the Sheffield Star 6 evenigs a week - 36 papers weighed an awful lot and wouldn't be allowed today! I think I got paid the princely sum of £1.32p for the week - it seemed a lot of money to me !

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