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As A Kid Growing Up In Sheffield What Did You Do To Earn Extra Money ???

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I had a paper round at NSS/Forbuoys on Newfield Green, covered most of Gleadless Valley from Spring Close Mount to Abney Road to Overend Drive. Got £10.40 a week off t'old Morris. :)


Used to take on all the extra rounds when people were off for a few extra pence.

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i used to collect and sell golf balls, 3-10 for a £1, once i sold 16 for £20.

i had paper rounds (at one point id skip school and do about 4 rounds in the morning.

id buy duty free cigarettes for about £2.50 and sell them seperately at school, getting back £5-6 per pack. occasionally cd's and sweets too.


trick or treating was a 3 day event and we'd stay at relatives on different estates, to trick or treat that estate, and of course we would visit the best houses twice with a different costume on lol

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I used to collect clay pigeons from the shoots in Greno woods and sold them back to the farmer who organised the shoot (swapped them actually for bales of hay/straw for my horse).


First time he told us to do it I spent ages looking for something 'pigeon' shape - went back and told him 'couldn't find any pigeons put I found lots of saucer shaped discs !!!'

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I worked every Saturday, and most holidays, in the indoor market in Sheffield, between 1972-74, I worked on a menswear stall, there were jeans, trousers coats etc, and in those days people has different inside leg measurements for the trousers and I used to get dirty comments about me holding the tape measure, I only held the bottom they were welcome to hold the top.

There was a lot of memories in those 2 years, once or twice we got evacuated with bomb scares

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I delivered papers, worked in a butchers shop during the war making sausages out of pig fat and sawdust. I worked in Gowers on Sharrow lane delivering Saturday morning. One morning a city councilor was talking to the manager and at the same time dipping his hand in the baccy barrel. The next Saturday I switched the baccy barrel for a black treacle one, what a wonderful sight seeing him trying to hide his hand dripping black sticky treacle all over his suit.


The manager didn't know he was pinching baccy but we all had a laugh for weeks after that.

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Like most kids, I started off in the early 50's with a paper round in Richmond. As I recall, I was paid 6/6d per week for mornings, evenings and Sundays.

When I was about 15, I had a job at a pub in Millhouses, bottling up on Sunday mornings.

A little later I had a job playing double bass with a dance band and I graduated to a jazz band in the city. I kept this one up after I left school.

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