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111 Princess Street


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My father was born in Princess Street to Lucy Addy and George Saville Ward in 1920. He had a true sister, Jessie, born in 1912 and an older half sister, Nellie. He also had an older half brother Richard who ran pubs with his wife Bertha. Richard Addy is mentioned in The Sheffield Gang Wars. My father remembers being told to hide under the table when the gangs ran up the street and his father was often "used" to "hide" jewellery, etc. My dad's half sister is also mentioned in the book. One of the accused said he could not have taken part in the murder of Mr Plommer as he was "visiting his girl who was sick in Princess Street". Any help or info, or any Addy relatives out that please get in touch.

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Thanks for this cycleracer.


Following on from 111 Princess Street does anyone know anything about a very large scrap dealer run by Charles Turner and believed to be on the Eccleshall Road? My dad's half sister married him and my mum has told me that Turner dealt with scrap "by the train load". I think there was a connection with race horses as well.

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