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Seats for the disabled on buses

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Thats why I asked politely both times rather than having a go. If I'm polite, then its the least I can expect in return. Pity it doesn't always work out. :roll:


Oh of course, I actually wasn't having a dig at you there, looking back I can see how it could've seemed like that:)


Just a general observation as to how a lot of young people are treated by older people, who then expect courtesy back.


And believe me, I know how horribly rude and/or intimidating some young people can be, I'm not denying that. Sometimes I am intimidated by youngsters and find myself judging them in a way that I condemn in other people. I feel quite ashamed of myself when I have a thought like that, and I try my hardest not to judge people on the basis of anythign superficial such as their clothes/age etc. My only point is that not all children behave this way:D

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I think you may have got that the wrong way round:) . There are lots of considerate young people around, and it's a shame that the minority of rude, unhelpful "younsters" (I'm 19) has to spoil it for everyone. I'm certainly not saying that the behaviour of these children was acceptable, far from it actually, but lots of people seem to tar young people with the same brush in this respect, and it does annoy me sometimes.


I'm sure you're right LM - unfortunately cos I use public transport regularly, I tend to see (and hear) the less well behaved quite a lot so probably get an unbalanced view. :hihi:


I think we're playing catch up with our posts!

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I'm sure you're right LM - unfortunately cos I use public transport regularly, I tend to see (and hear) the less well behaved quite a lot so probably get an unbalanced view. :hihi:


Poor you! :hihi: (JOKE!)


And back when I didn't have a car, I saw the unsavoury side of the "youths of today" far more frequently too!


Probably just Sheffield's public transport messing with all our heads:hihi:

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  • 4 years later...

Not all DISABLED PEOPLE are elderly. Sometimes their disability might not be obvious so you can understand it when people don't give up the disabled persons seats on buses to allow the disabled person to sit down. But it is obvious a person is disabled if they are aided by a walking stick which has been loaned to them by the hospital, these sticks are very easy to recognize, they are made of light metal and usually have a black hand-piece to hold on to.


I think First Bus Company could help disabled and elderly people more if they put up more notices on their buses making it clear to all passengers that the first eight seats at the front of the buses are "PRIORITY SEATS FOR DISABLED AND ELDERLY PERSONS" only! And that able bodied persons, especially children, are not allowed to use these seats.


Most disabled people using buses have the 'All England Travel Pass' (formally called a Mobility Pass). To get this pass they have to be registered at Sheffield Social Services Department as a disabled person.

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Those youngsters will think twice when they have a person who has disabilities who isn't afraid to ask (as loudly as it takes) for them to move.


I'm completely honest with people- I COULD go further down the bus, but that is likely to entail walking along the bus when it's moving, and that means that I'm pretty certain to fall on people. I'm 6'3 and built like a brick outhouse- would you like me to land on you? If not, how about moving to a place where I'm not going to land on you when the bus goes round a corner?


It frustrates me sometimes how 'voiceless' the elderly and those with a disability are perceived to be in our society.

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My children when they were small didn't need to be told to give their seat up when the bus was filling up not so now adays,but another thing that annoys me is prams and buggys on buses and mothers taking the priorty seating instead of standing by the buggy, I was asked once if I would move further back so the young girl with the buggy could sit down I refused as I am unsteady at walking when the bus is moving. I know the notice says 2 buggys but sometimes the driver allows more on blocking both sides of the aisle with wheels sticking out making it difficult to get to the platform to get off the bus,in case of an accident who would be responsible,the driver, the bus company or the person with the buggy who had caused the aisle to be blocked

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To see the reason for this see the thread about abandoning a ship, and women and children first.

The cowardice shown by some on there, is reflected in the cowardly selfishness of many of todays young people.

They have been brought up to be totally self centered, and to demand 'respect' at all times.

I wonder where the thatcher they learned that attitude?

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To see the reason for this see the thread about abandoning a ship, and women and children first.

The cowardice shown by some on there, is reflected in the cowardly selfishness of many of todays young people.

They have been brought up to be totally self centered, and to demand 'respect' at all times.

I wonder where the thatcher they learned that attitude?


I started the thread several years ago, so was surprised when I saw it had been resurrected. My (now almost middle aged) children were brought up during the Thatcher years, and neither of them are bad mannered. Sorry, but I don't see politics as having any bearing on manners. Its all about standards, and those are learned in the home.

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These are the type of children who probably don't respect their own parents, so why would they care about anyone else, whether they're elderly or disabled. It's bad parenting passed down from generation to generation. If they were taught respect and manners they would have acknowledged ms Macbeth and moved the first time they were asked.

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