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WW1 volunteers wanted


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Hi Dean,


Try this link to WW1 Cemetaries.




Scroll down to the bottom and you will see the picture and listing for my Great Uncle Harry. I have loads of info including his battalions war dairies.


My older brother and myself are going over to France in November to visit the memorial and pay our respects before attending the rememberance service at the Menheim Gate on the Sunday the 11th November.





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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi all

Re post 80:

passing the war memorial at Chapletown the other day, i now notice it is spick and span! cleaned and repointed. i gather then that the council? or some other body are on a maintainence spree of all war memorial's in sheffield, as every one i have visited recently is looking pristine.

anyone enlighten me?

my challenge to Chapletowner's still stand's!! Get it moved!



Hi Dean1 Re;the clean memorials , Iworked at the surveyors depot 1971 era, and just before the end of the financial year end if any cash allocated to the depot;was left , it was to be spent on various projects, the renovations of all memorials was one, and I got the job to visit and place orders to swd for any work required, so if this procedure has not been altered thats where to contact if any of your helpers see any defects. Good Luck in your worthy cause, Cheers Arthur.
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Hi all

Re post 80:

passing the war memorial at Chapletown the other day, i now notice it is spick and span! cleaned and repointed. i gather then that the council? or some other body are on a maintainence spree of all war memorial's in sheffield, as every one i have visited recently is looking pristine.

anyone enlighten me?

my challenge to Chapletowner's still stand's!! Get it moved!



Hi Dean1Should have added all in

the depot's juristriction.

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thank's for the info Arthur

who ever it is doing the work, they have made a grand job of the memorial at St Mary's, Handsworth.


i heard it first on the radio on monday, then the story appeared in last night's Star.

the memorial plaque to the men who laid down their live's for US, in the two world war's, has been stolen from St Mary the Virgin Church on Church lane, Beighton.

although just outside of my project area, it still suck's!!!




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Hi Dean,


Sorry I haven't found time to contribute a photo yet. I have got an interview with someone who watched the Zeppelin flying in from the east: we've got the copyright on it and it'd be fine for you to include it on the site.


Shall I try and zip it and email it across? The only unfortunate thing is that it's in a rubbish format as I recorded it before we got our wav recorder. Might pop around and record it again.


All the best, things are looking great!

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Hi Red

would love a copy of the Zeppelin interview, that would be great.

no worrie's about a memorial photo Red, there's load's still out there to cover!!

i'll be out again this weekend as ever!

i have seen a copy of the WW2 bomb map, but i havn't got a copy , so yes would like an image of that too please.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Cornish works

I was at a meeting of The Hallamshire Historic Building Society last night and the Chair asked if anyone knew the whereabouts of the War Memorial at James Dixon & Sons - Cornish works Cornish street? It seems there used to be an annual commemoration service and wreath lying. The memorial has gone missing after the building was converted into flats but they would like the tradition to continue. Anyone any ideas??

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