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Whatever happened to John Cooper Clarke?

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  • 4 years later...

I'd like to revisit the "What happened to Mark Miwurdz?" question.

During the early 80', on Channel 4's "The Tube", Mark was a breath of fresh air with his satyrical lyrical rants, and it woold be great to know if he's still pushing the stuff out.


There should at least be a compendium of his works if there's any justice.

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And I could not forget seeing, Ivor Biggin at the Limit, a very funny guy. 1978 I think.


I'm A W*nker.--I'm always pullin my pud,

I evan had a w*nk in my Davey Crocket hat.




I've F*rted,--I've just had a trouser cough.

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T**T! yes it must be ace to be able to describe ex's and people who you dont like in general with words like that! JCC is awesome he played the univ last april,

As for markmywordz i remember going to the tv show the tube in the 80s when he was on, and after the show seeing him stood at a bus stop waiting for a bus to take him to the train station,nowt like fame!


My brother was a fan of him in the 70's he had one of his LP's (what the heck are they?) One of my favourite bits of a poem I can remember was one which I think was aimed at an ex which went:


Like a death at a birthday party

You spoil all the fun

Like a sucked and spat out smartie

You're no use to anyone.


and a bit that went:


You make life a fairy tale


(funny to those of us who remember Grimms fairy tales of course)

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  • 2 weeks later...
benjamin zephania?

atilla the stockbroker

wild willy barret

john otway

rory mcleod (sort of)



who can forget Seething Swells, Godzilla vs the Tetley bittermen. joshua, joshua, as sweet as orange squashua. get it up and get it em in, only women drink Lager, only puffs drink gin,

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