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Information Wanted About the History of our City


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Hey there everybody.


As you may have guessed from that over-friendly and sycophantic intro, this is not an engaging and intersting topic I'm about to start, but instead a quest for information.


I'm currently doing a project (yes, I'm a bloody student) about the history of Sheffield, from it's earliest origins up to the present day, focusing on key events. However, as I'm all the way down south at the minute, I don't have access to the books that would be so easy to come by if I were at home.


Naturally, I have access to the Internet, but the information I have found so far is rather vague. I was just wondering if anybody could give me the exact titles of books that would help me, so that I may order them via Waterstones and the like. Remember - I'm charting the entire history, not just the 20th Century, although I will focus on that too.


Also, if anyone knows any good websites I may have overlooked, then that would help me tremendously.


Any help at all would be much appreciated. Cheers.

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You may be better looking in some of the book shops Historical sections there are loads of books on sheffield and its steel history all around


alternatively ask someone you know in sheffield to nip to Kelham Ilsand and take a video camera they have loads stuff that would help and tons of books on sale too


sorry could not be off more help

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Originally posted by Pilon

Thanks for your help so far!


Anyone got any more book titles? You know the ones I mean - there must be loads of Sheffield history books, I just don't know the exact titles/authors of any of them!


SHEFFIELD - By Geoffrey Howse - ISBN no 0-7509-1419-x


The Great Sheffield Flood - by E G Draper - Published by Hillsbrough Community Developmjent Trust Tel; 01142812167


Stannington by Stannigton Local history Group


Im sure the HCDT would be able to point you in the right direction also

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Originally posted by Pilon

I was just wondering if anybody could give me the exact titles of books that would help me, so that I may order them via Waterstones and the like. Remember - I'm charting the entire history, not just the 20th Century, although I will focus on that too.


A local Sheffield guy called J Edward Vickers has wrote plenty on Sheffield History:


Books by J. Edward Vickers:


A Popular History of Sheffield.


Old Sheffield Town.


The Unseen, The Unsightly and the Amusing in Sheffield.


Tales and Legends of Ancient Sheffield.


From Horses to Atlanteans, the history of Sheffield's Transport.


The Ancient Suburbs of Sheffield.


Old Sheffield, Its Streets, People and Stories.


The Old and Historic Buildings of Sheffield.


Some of his books and general sheffield history books I have seen on ebay, just do a search for Sheffield. Also I would recommend visiting the "Local Studies Library" on the second floor in the main library in town, have found them very helpful when carrying history projects of my own.


Some more books listed here:


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Again, thanks a lot!


But, without meaning to sound desperate or needy, I need more!

Come on, all you guys and gals out there with books on Sheffield, just bash the names of these books into your keyboard and I'm on my way.


Merci beaucoup

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