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Who needs enemies with friends like that!


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I was out at the Frog and Parrot on Division street last nite when a

group of students came in. One of them, smashed out of his skull,

managed to drop his pint. He then licked it off the floor (broken

glass everywhere an all), with his arse hanging out of his trousers.

After getting up he managed to step on his own broken glass, and cut

his foot very badly. He limped over to some seats and his friends came

and huddled around him, taking photos and carrying on drinking but

generally acting like nothing much had happened. Then 1 bright spark,

while still comtemplating whether to get another pint, decided to tell

the bar staff. By this point my mate was on the phone to 999 as blood

was gushing out of this bloke's foot after they'd taken his shoe off.

His friends continued to giggle and drink their drinks.


The ambulance men came, didnt really do much (bandaged up foot etc)

then left. This guy then proceeded to start vomiting as the shock hit

him. His 'friends' looked disgusted at him, making comments like 'err

i cant believe he's throwing up', 'he aways gets like this' then they

moved away and drank on, my friends and i said to his group of friends

'perhaps he should be taken home', they replyed 'he only lives 100

yards away' and continued to drink. Eventually after we gave his

friends some more ear bending they dragged him out and sat him on a

step next door where his foot, even though bandaged, was still

bleeding badly and he was still vomiting. We headed off towards the

Washington, telling some mounted police we saw on the way that they

really needed to go and help sort him out. His mates certainly weren't

about to!


The guy was a drunken prat but i hope he's ok this morning. No doubt

he'll find himself at casualty getting some stitches put in. Who needs

enemies with friends like that!

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Should really know his limit! Saying that, no matter how much I drink (mixing drinks or not) I never get in that state, never puke and certainly don't lick broken glass off the floor!! Maybe I don't have a limit?


Some people just can't handle their ale, maybe he should stick to Bacardi Breezers next time? :roll:




P.S. I'm only 19 so it isn't like I've had years and years of drinking experience, and I'm not the biggest lad in the world!

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I can happily say that although i drink alot on ocassions i have never ever got into that state... I can honestly say i would know my limits and wouldnt allow myself to...


As for his friends (i know there is never excuses an belive i'm not tring to make them for these people or person) but they may have seen this guy in this drunken state before and are used to it... maybe not to the extreme of a bleeding foot... I do agree someone should have taken notice by that point...


I have known people in that past that have had druken~stupid friends... Because they know the state they get into whilst drinking... they are left to their own devices!


Not good but some people cant handle their own drunken 'friends' so just leave em!


Like you say who needs enemies if you got friends like that...

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I was there in the Frog & Parrot with officegirl.


I think the reason his friends didn't do much was probably because none of them had known each other very long so nobody felt that he was their responsibility.


In a way that's fair enough - he should take responsibility for himself in the first place after all, but I think in their position I would at least have got him home - they said he only lived nearby so it wouldn't have taken long. Then they could have got on with enjoying their evening instead of spending it standing around Division St looking like spare parts!

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