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Bread and dripping

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Good for him- Being a millionaire and living in PEI now that is Heaven on Earth.

You are right about the ferry. Is it Point Pleasant Lighthouse on the left as the Island comes into view? The beach cafe near it serves delicious chowder.

Am visually impaired now but memory serves me well.

Must admit there are dishes I have learned to love in the USA too.


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rogGI have lived in Pennsylvania USA for almost fifty years and still miss a lot of the foods from home.There is an import shop I can get things from but, no meat products are allowed in the USA.

You live in one of my most favorite s places on earth, but must admit driving on the Confederation Bridge scares the daylights out of me.



Wainy, I get some meat products from the English shop here in Ct, sausages and pork pies, all frozen I must say and not the best, but they are imported from England, the owner a Brit flys over and gets them herself, also I've brought back some sausage & bacon myself over the years, not legally of course.

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I cant have had bread and dripping for over 30 years, this thread has set me off craving crusty bread, dripping especially the brown bit with salt on mmmmmmmm


I know what you mean I dont think I have had any since being very young it was a special treat in our house!!!


By the way my OH is from down south and he says he had it when he was young.

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Good for him- Being a millionaire and living in PEI now that is Heaven on Earth.

You are right about the ferry. Is it Point Pleasant Lighthouse on the left as the Island comes into view? The beach cafe near it serves delicious chowder.

Am visually impaired now but memory serves me well.

Must admit there are dishes I have learned to love in the USA too.



Point Prim just outside of Charlottetown is what you're probably thinking of Wainy. It does have a little cafe there which serves delicious seafood chowder. One winter we drove up there to watch a bunch of seals out on the ice.


I don't know whether everyone else on the site is laying on the graphic descriptions of bread & dripping to turn the stomachs of folk like me who find it a hideous concoction but you're all welcome to it ...yuk. :gag::gag:

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Run to the store and stock up.

Two weeks ago I called to order from my supplier and she told me that the Ministry of Agriculture Rep had just been and confiscated all the meat products in their warehouse. Even Oxo's.

They told her that because of Foot and Mouth disease and Mad Cow the US was not allowing importation of meat products from Uk.

Ridiculous, if cooked products are okay for UK residents to eat why are they not okay for us?

Guess I must try to smuggle them in next trip I make.


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Had mucky dripping and marmite on thick sliced white bread this morning for breakfast. In fact, I've had it everyday this week!

Trying not to think about cholestorol. Usually buy it from Crawshaws or Funks but like to keep my own from roasting pork. Grew up with it and not done me any harm.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Wainy, I get some meat products from the English shop here in Ct, sausages and pork pies, all frozen I must say and not the best, but they are imported from England, the owner a Brit flys over and gets them herself, also I've brought back some sausage & bacon myself over the years, not legally of course.
I just got back from 3 weeks in Ireland last night. Irish sausage, bacon, black and white pudding every day. Pure heaven! But believe it or not, I was glad to come home to some pancakes and maple syrup with streaky Oscar Meyer bacon. It makes tasty dripping too.
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