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Bread and dripping

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There's one thing, it's got to be better than Marmite.


(Anything's better than Marmite)


Just checked the fridge and YESSS. Mrs P has fetched a tub of dripping in for me from the market......excellent......:D:thumbsup::clap:


When I was a kid we used to have bread, dripping and marmite for breakfast every day. On white bread. With a strong cup of coffee. If it was really cold, we'd sometimes get a dram of whiskey or brandy in the coffee at weekends if we were lucky. How times have changed!

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do's any 1 ever remember having " pobs" as a kid? Thats plain white bread broken up and put into a cup of tea ..well thats the way we had it omg what memories :-) No its not horrible its quite tasty lol

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Ever had banana sandwiches sprinkled with sugar ? couldn't eat those now :gag: oH! and bread and treacle


Oh I love those Banana sarnys , even today as a adult I have 1 .........do's any 1 ever remember having " pobs" as a kid? Thats plain white bread broken up and put into a cup of tea ..well thats the way we had it omg what memories :-) No its not horrible its quite tasty lol

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I used to have dripping on thick uncut toast from the sandwich shop when I worked at Record Tools. Set you up for the day that did.:)


The wonderful ladies at Brown Bayleys Steelworks canteen in Attercliffe used to look after myself and the rest of the poverty stricken apprentices in the 1960,s.A slice of bread and dripping was 1d.Crusts were 2 for 1d,but they always gave us more than we paid for.It was years before I could afford bacon and egg sandwiches !!!

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