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Crashers to Ashes: Gatecrasher burns down.


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BTW, the bulletin from Gatecrasher's Myspace:


It is with great sadness that we have to inform you of some shocking news. At around 5pm this afternoon a serious fire broke out at our flagship venue Gatecrasher One in Sheffield. At this moment in time there is little more to add other than that we will keep you posted


Thankyou for the hundreds of emails and messages of condolence that we've received over the last few hours, there have been many touching testimonies of high times, fun and frolics Gatecrasher One. It is times like these when you the clubber show us how much of an important institution we have created...


Just remember, that which hurts will only make us stronger, and those who know Gatecrasher will be fully aware that the Lion always grows stronger in times of adversity; of course this is saddening news for us all but we are now only thinking of striding forward into a new era of Gatecrasher as we brush ourselves off and stand tall.


Events at Gatecrasher One are cancelled until further notice


Watch this space for further info.


Gatecrasher forever xx

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Hmmm... "a good day to bury bad news" --> "a good day to promote bad clubs"?
.... but it is a sad day...had some good nites in GC1. and i know alot of the management team down there...

they will be back... i give them 3 months and GC1 will be up and running again bigger and better

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Er, it was a match actually. Which happened to land in such a way as to ignite alchoholic residue on the bar - went up immediately, the people in there barely had time to finish thier drinks before evacuating!


They don't clean the bar then :suspect:

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I'm sure they're properly insured, shouldn't take too long to find another venue. After all, its mostly about the GC name and what they offer rather than the actual premises, it'll be up and running again by the time the students are back:)

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