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Crashers to Ashes: Gatecrasher burns down.


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I don't understand why people are happy about this fire, Gatecrasher, like it or not was an internationally known venue


For myself it's more a case of musical bitchiness than a genuine desire for them to go out of business.


I quite liked trance music for a while, but by the time Gatecrasher was huge trance was more product than musical endeavour and I'd moved on to other things.


Couple that with a death of the live band scene in Shef at about the same time partly due to gummint legislation to do with licensing venues, and partly to do with an influx of students who apparently only wanted to listen to trance music from 10 years previously and, well I think you get the picture.

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Fire in the disco!


But fortunately no Taco Bell next door for there to be a fire in.


Sounds like no-one was hurt, which is a good thing.


Finally - the death of the Death of Music!



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For myself it's more a case of musical bitchiness than a genuine desire for them to go out of business.


I quite liked trance music for a while, but by the time Gatecrasher was huge trance was more product than musical endeavour and I'd moved on to other things.


Couple that with a death of the live band scene in Shef at about the same time partly due to gummint legislation to do with licensing venues, and partly to do with an influx of students who apparently only wanted to listen to trance music from 10 years previously and, well I think you get the picture.


someone sounds bitter :roll:

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I hope no one was hurt.

I wonder what will rise from the ashes?


Yet another Sheffield Hallam University building, one would imagine. There are means, in that cramming bums onto seats has proved a righteously profitable way to run an educational establishment. There is motive, in that almost any site in the city centre that becomes available is filled rapidly with said bums. There is opportunity, in that GC has conveniently demolished itself. I hear that Sheff University's nursing school contract is going to Hallam in a year or two, and now there's somewhere to put it. Hurrah for Hallam. Ad tedium.

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For myself it's more a case of musical bitchiness than a genuine desire for them to go out of business.


I quite liked trance music for a while, but by the time Gatecrasher was huge trance was more product than musical endeavour and I'd moved on to other things.


Couple that with a death of the live band scene in Shef at about the same time partly due to gummint legislation to do with licensing venues, and partly to do with an influx of students who apparently only wanted to listen to trance music from 10 years previously and, well I think you get the picture.



Well that sounds to me like you got jealous of the fact that trance became bigger than the live band scene in sheffield?


Hardly justification to wish people into unemployment, i have some good friends at GC who have worked there for years and i feel so sorry for them at the minute, its not like a normal job where you can just pick an identicle company and move, music promotion is a very specialised area.

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someone sounds bitter :roll:


Not really bitter, just bored with the huge-and-commercial approach to music embodied by GC & Ministry of Sound that has very little do with musicians being creative & getting to write and play actual music.


How many times do you hear, e.g. Judge Death, sorry Jules say "Here's a little number I tossed off recently in the Caribbean"? I'm sure he's very skilled at what he does, but what that mainly involves (besides pushing the promoter's cheap drinks) is playing someone else's tunes. Oh he's a very polished professional, but I don't really look to him for inspiration. Musically his music is as dead as a dead duck.

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We've just issued a ban to somebody who didn't listen to our warnings earlier on the thread. Let's not have any more.


We have zero tolerance on this thread so there will be no more warnings.

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Well that sounds to me like you got jealous of the fact that trance became bigger than the live band scene in sheffield?


How could I be jealous of something that bores me to tears? Depressed, sure, but jealous? Bwahahahaha<repeat ad nauseam>.



Hardly justification to wish people into unemployment, i have some good friends at GC who have worked there for years and i feel so sorry for them at the minute, its not like a normal job where you can just pick an identicle company and move, music promotion is a very specialised area.


On the subject of marketing my views are the same as Bill Hicks'.

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