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Ex Waltheof School pupils

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Hi, there was a french teacher called mr winter who i think also taught PE for the boys. He was quite young and thought he was Gods gift.


Yes I remember him and Mr Ranson, both tw**s of the first order in my book.

After being on the receiving end of a broken bottle from my over exuberant younger brother I had to have butterfly stitches in a 1 inch gash on my nose.

The hospital told me under no circumstances get it wet or they would come undone. Mental midget Ranson made me take a shower despite my protestations that I could not get them wet. The said stitches came undone, in History as I can remember, resulting in blood and snot on my desk and a return visit to casualty. The sound of Mr Marshall tearing him a new arsehole after my parents went ballistic cheered me up no end. However as a result of the stitches coming undone I now have a scar. Thanks for that Ranson. Oh if only no win no fee was available then.

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I was one of the first pupils to leave Whitby Road school and start at Waltheof some 46 years ago. If you think you had it hard, then you should have attended then. Most of the teachers were so sadistic that today they would face long terms in prison. The Waltheof Badge was designed by our class, under the supervision of Mr. Hardy a sadist of the worse kind. At Waltheof we were subject to treatment that would never be believed by any pupil today. Mr Marshall would hide round corners. If we spoke in the corridors we copped it, If we walked on the wrong side we copped it. We had to have good reason to walk in the corridors during lesson times. He would even escort us to the toilets to make sure we were really going there. If I was to write the truth about some of the teachers that we had, there would be prosecutions galore. I would never be allowed to write the whole truth in this forum. Maybe for the best. But believe me, You had no reason to hate it there. Though we has a rough time in many ways. I did enjoy my schooldays. Also there were some good teachers that made up for the evil one's. Maybe some of the kids today should be thankfull that they do not get the cane for a wrong spelling, Or for having dirty shoe's, or for being tired in class and asking to be excused because of an headache. School today is a gift, That every kid should take advantage of.

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