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Old fashioned meals

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I still make most of the meals that Mum & Ma in law made- Toad in't hole, Shepherds pie, Roast & Yorkshire, Bread&Butter pud. One meal I wish never ever to see again tho' is breast of mutton with carrots/onions, Mum used to make that on Wednesdays; the thought of it makes me gag.

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As well as the traditional ones mentioned,we had pigs feet soup made with lentils,I hated it at the time but these past few months I have been fancying it just how mum used to make it but my mum is no longer with me so I wouldn't have a clue how to make it as she did.


We had either mashed or new potatoes with corned beef and beetroot.

Mashed potatoe mashed up with cheese and put under grill to brown.

pigs bag,tripe,muscles

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Most of the meals you mention aren't old fashioned in our house..


I make most of them now..:)

Kids aren't to partial to liver and onions, but the others, they love..

Meat and potato pie, shepherds pie, toad in the hole, stew and dumplings,




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I still manage to cook up a nice pan of tripe & onions in the winter but its not the same as english tripe which could be eat cold with a little salt & vin Yum Yum, Ooo & i almost forgot jellied pork, pigs trotters &hocks all boiled up to a nice meaty jell, not quite as good as head cheese(pigs head )but almost.

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