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Old fashioned meals

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Joan, did your son get home for Xmas as planned? And did he manage to get some of your meat-and-tater pie with Henderson's as he hoped?


Not this time but I do send him photos of ones that we have....:hihi::thumbsup:

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We,us old foggies, were only talking today about the same subject.If our mother put something on the table there was never a discussion about what it was you just ate it & glad of it.I can`t ever remember leaving anything on my plate at home,but fair to say my mother was brilliant cook.My mothers Suet Dumplings with custard were out of this world.I can still taste them.


dumplings & custurd?? never had that. sounds a bit iffy.

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I remember my mum cooking lots of different meals, always tasted lovely but she never weighed an ingredients out and all her cooking usually turned out. I can remember her making bread in a big pancion(a large mixing bowl) and never weighing stuff out, but always the bread tasted better than anything u could buy. At Christmas she made all her own mince pies, tarts, Crimbo cakes and puddings. I can still be transported back years when I smell bread cooking.

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Gosh reading this has opened my eyes. I always make every meal from scratch. I never buy frozen or ready made, I don't think my lot would stand for it.

I used to love the soup my mum made, scotch broth, lentil, leek and potato, and I still make them, but they never taste the same. She used to make a massive big pan of soup in the week, and it would feed us for about three days. Costs nothing to make and is simple and nutritious.

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